A portlet that brings the information of the planed budget cost (total cost, cost to date and actuals) for every project PROJECT TOTAL PLANED COST PLANED COST TO DATE ACTUAL COST3 ------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------ Project 1 100.000 50.000 45.000 Project 2 200.000 70.000 60.000 SELECT p.NAME, fin.TOTAL_COST, (cst.slice*convert(bigint,(cst.finish_date - cst.start_date))) as CostValue FROM INV_INVESTMENTS p left join fin_plans fin left join fin_cost_plan_details dtl LEFT JOIN niku.ODF_SSL_CST_DTL_COST cst on cst.prj_object_id = dtl.id on dtl.PLAN_ID = fin.id on fin.OBJECT_ID = p.ID WHERE fin.plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' and fin.is_plan_of_record = 1 and p.CODE= Cost = SliceValue*DaysOnSlice