Hello Datacom/AD users, Reaching out with a friendly reminder that Datacom/AD 14.0 and 15.0 End of Service (EOS) date is fast approaching with an effective date of August 31, 2022. Please plan to upgrade to Datacom/AD 15.1 as soon as possible. ...
Hi. We have started using system symbols in our batch JCL to substitute the version of a product. Example: SYS1.PARMLIB(IEASYMPP) SYSDEF SYMDEF(&YDB2DB2C='V12M1') JCL when Job runs. XXSTEPLIB DD DSN=RUN.DB2.&YDB2DB2C..DB2C.SDSNEXIT,DISP=SHR IEFC653I ...
Jobtrac does not have a feature to show a diagram or graph of daily batch jobs. There is a sample IMOD called SUCCLIST that lists ...
I would like to give to batch operators and developers a diagram or a graphic of our daily bactch plan. Is there a way to do ...