
  • 1.  How to Export Query Data to Excel

    Posted Jan 12, 2016 02:39 AM

    Hi  All,

    I'm trying to push the Query output to the excel Sheet after running the code it is showing Error at the Class which im trying to Load .

    I got to know that class is supported for Excel 2003




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core"





        xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


        <!-- Connecting to Database -->


        <sql:setDataSource url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:xxxx:niku"




         var="clarityDS" />

        <sql:query dataSource="${clarityDS}" var="queryResults">


    select id, table_name, column_name

    from cmn_attributes

    where ui_type = 'text'

    and REFERENCED_OBJECT_ID is not null




        <!-- Row and Column counters -->

        <core:set var="rowNum" value="0" />

        <core:set var="colNum" value="0" />


        <!-- Create a new workbook with a single sheet -->

        <core:new className="org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook" var="workBook" />

        <core:invoke var="workSheet" method="createSheet" on="${workBook}">

            <core:arg type="java.lang.String" value="TestOne" />



        <!-- Write out out column names -->

        <core:set var="columnNames" value="${queryResults.getColumnNames()}" />

        <core:invoke var="row" method="createRow" on="${workSheet}">

            <core:arg type="java.lang.Integer" value="${rowNum}" />


        <core:forEach trim="true" items="${columnNames}" var="column" indexVar="i">

            <core:invoke var="cell" method="createCell" on="${row}">

                <core:arg type="java.lang.Integer" value="${i}" />


            <core:invoke var="cell" method="setCellValue" on="${cell}">

                <core:arg type="java.lang.String" value="${column}" />




        <!-- Write out out values -->

        <core:forEach trim="true" items="${queryResults.rowsByIndex}" var="resultRow" indexVar="j">

            <core:invoke var="row" method="createRow" on="${workSheet}">

                <core:arg type="java.lang.Integer" value="${j+1}" />


            <core:forEach trim="true" items="${columnNames}" var="column" indexVar="i">

                <core:invoke var="cell" method="createCell" on="${row}">

                    <core:arg type="java.lang.Integer" value="${i}" />


                <core:invoke var="cell" method="setCellValue" on="${cell}">

                    <core:arg type="java.lang.String" value="${resultRow[i].toString()}" />





        <!-- Save our Excel File -->

        <core:new className="" var="excelFile">

            <core:arg type="java.lang.String" value="TestPoiWrite.xls" />


        <core:invoke method="write" on="${workBook}">

            <core:arg type="" value="${excelFile}" />


        <core:invoke method="close" on="${excelFile}" />

        <core:expr value="${excelFile.close()}" />



    It is showing error Here:<core:new> org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook

    Can any one help me out from this problem

    Thanks All.

  • 2.  Re: How to Export Query Data to Excel

    Posted Jan 12, 2016 06:49 AM

    Any particular reason you're not exporting it as a CSV file ? Because that would be much much easier.

  • 3.  Re: How to Export Query Data to Excel

    Posted Jan 12, 2016 06:53 AM

    Reason I'm Exporting is there are few situations where we would be using that Excel in loading data to DB.


    Okay Even I dont know how to export to CSV File ,could you or any one please show me that how to do it.



  • 4.  Re: How to Export Query Data to Excel

    Posted Jan 14, 2016 04:43 PM

    Using things like core:new will quickly get you into trouble/difficulty.


    Not all classes/methods are thread-safe.


    You lack the ability (in a scripted languages like GEL) to wrap algorithms and methods with a sync in order to lock and serialize access to those objects as would be needed in raw java.


    You build a dependency on something that may be replaced or updated in future causing your GEL script to break.


    Regarding reading/writing to CSV files, you might consider the following links although I think the preferred methods seem to be moving the execution into Excel itself and use VB code and macros to extract data out of Clarity and then manipulate it:


    Gel Script: How to Generate a CSV

    Gel script -Reading csv file and passing the o/p  to sql script


    (There may be more too, these ones just jumped out first).