CA Service Management

  • 1.  PDM_IF write for "Update Members" button

    Posted Feb 14, 2017 07:59 AM


    I want to put the condition for the "Update Members" button.
    I just want the group administrators to do this.
    I wrote the following code for detail_cnt.htmpl. But I can not run list_grpmem.hmtpl.
    How do I update the Update Members button only for users with manager_flag = 1?

    <PDM_IF "$" != "">
    <PDM_LIST PREFIX=list1 FACTORY=grpmem where="group = U'$' AND member= U'$'" ESC_STYLE=JS2>
    <PDM_IF "$list1.manager_flag" == "1">
    //<PDM_MACRO name=button Caption="Edit[d]" Func="detailEdit()" hotkey_name="Edit[d]" ID="btn001">//


    <PDM_IF ????>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    var rptName = new Array("", "");
    var cfgCanEdit = true;
    var autoRefreshWindows;
    if( window.parent != null &&
    typeof window.parent.updateMemOrGroup == "string" &&
    typeof window.parent.updateMemOrGroupShowBool == "boolean" && window.parent.updateMemOrGroupShowBool &&
    typeof window.parent.updateMemOrGroupButtonLabel == "string" &&
    typeof window.parent.updateMemOrGroupMethod == "string" )
    autoRefreshWindows = new Object();
    cfgExtraButton = new Array(window.parent.updateMemOrGroupButtonLabel, window.parent.updateMemOrGroupMethod);



    Thank you for your help
    Ozge Ozturk

  • 2.  Re: PDM_IF write for "Update Members" button

    Posted Feb 14, 2017 08:54 AM

    Hi, the solution from this thread might work for you. You'll need to change the where clause to check group manager. 


    PDM_LIST menubar_sd.htmpl condition