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There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

  • 1.  There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 09, 2017 07:49 PM

       I am installing CA Directory 12.6.3 on RedHat 6.9 via silent installation giving response files. prior to install I opened 

    below ports to use for CA  Directory. 

    dxagent - 8443

    managment ui -3000 

    dsa - 10389 


    Installed packages.




    Afte installation I see folders have been created and started all services with no issues. However getting  Page cannot be displayed error when testing management ui url .



    I have also opened a case in support site but it seems no one there picking up my case

    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  • 2.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 11, 2017 01:32 AM

    Moved from CA SSO forum to CA directory forum.

  • 3.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 11, 2017 08:21 PM

    Firstly, we need to check that the management UI server is running and listening on port 3000:

    % lsof -i | grep 3000

    If this port is being listened on, then curl can run locally to check HTTP requests are being serviced:

    % curl --ssl -k

    This should respond with a bunch of lines (HTML) that make up the default page.

    Depending on the outcome of the above curl command, we can work out the next steps.

  • 4.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 11, 2017 08:38 PM

    Thanks for resposnse

    I tersted both curl and lsof both did return nothing. 

     -bash-4.1$ curl --ssl -k https://managmentui:3000
    curl: (7) Failed to connect to managementui hostserver port 3000: Connection refused

     sudo lsof -i | grep 3000


    but all serivces are up and running.

    ldap     13875     1  0 14:04 ?        00:00:00 /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/node  /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node_modules/forever/bin/monitor ./bin/www
    ldap     22695     1  0 Oct09 ?        00:00:38 dxserver start iserver-management-ui
    ldap     23175     1  1 Oct09 ?        00:31:15 python

  • 5.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 11, 2017 09:07 PM

    Thanks for the information. The forever module should spawn a child NodeJS process which is the management UI server. It looks like the management UI has failed to start. To debug the start-up of the management UI:

    • cd $DXUIHOME
    • ./stop_dxmgmtui
    • export PATH=$PATH:$DXUIHOME/node.js/bin
    • npm start $DXUIHOME/bin/www

    If you can copy the last 50 lines from the output of the npm command I can have a look at what's causing the problem.

  • 6.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 11, 2017 11:00 PM

    Finally I got a login page after followed steps mentioned above .Thank you.

    However after login the site is not staying longer..when attempting to create New environement.

    error:   Forever cannot find process with id: ./bin/www
    -bash-4.1$ pwd
    -bash-4.1$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin
    -bash-4.1$ cd /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin
    -bash-4.1$ npm start /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/www

    > management-api@0.0.0 start /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui
    > node ./bin/www "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/www"

    info: Unmanaged DSA type is "ca" with schema file "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/api-server/utils/unmanaged-dsa-schema-

    info: Unmanaged DSA type is "dxlink" with schema file "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/api-server/utils/unmanaged-dsa-schema-

    info: Unmanaged DSA types and schemas are "[{"unmanagedDsaType":"ca","schema":{"type":"object","required":["name","prefix","dsa-


    {"type":"string","description":"Specifies the password other DSAs must supply to communicate with this DSA.","title":"DSA

    Password"},"trust-flags":{"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"Trust Flags","description":"Specifies flags relating

    to trust that control the operation of the DSA.","items":{"enum":["allow-check-password","trust-conveyed-originator","allow-


    {"type":"string","description":"Specifies the name of the DSA.","dn":true,"title":"DSA Name","pattern":"(.+=.+|^$)"},"dsp-idle-time":

    {"type":"integer","description":"Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) that a DSP connection can be idle before it is

    disconnected.","default":600,"title":"DSP Idle Time","format":"int64"},"prefix":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies a partial

    DN, which specifies the namespace partition served by this DSA.","dn":true,"title":"Prefix","pattern":"(.+=.+|^$)"},"bind-address":

    {"type":"string","description":"The bind address sets the source IP address, that is, binds the configured address to the outbound

    socket when connecting to another DSA.","title":"Bind Address"},"remote-console-ssl":{"type":"boolean","description":"Forces the DSA

    to encrypt console sessions when it runs remotely.","default":false,"title":"Remote Console SSL"},"load-share-group":

    {"type":"string","description":"Specifies what load share group the DSA is in.","title":"Load Share Group"},"dsa-flags":

    {"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"DSA Flags","description":"Specifies the flags that control the operation of

    the DSA.","items":{"enum":["multi-write-async","multi-write","shadow","read-only","relay","load-share","no-routing-ac","limit-


    {"type":"integer","description":"Allows the DSA console to accept a connection from a remote computer on this port. When this is not

    specified, there is no remote console for the DSA.","title":"Remote Console

    Port","minimum":0,"maximum":65535,"format":"int64"},"disp-psap":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies DISP Presentation SAP. If

    this is not set, DISP is disabled.","default":"DISP","enum":["DISP"],"title":"DISP PSAP"},"snmp-port":

    {"type":"integer","description":"Specifies the SNMP port.","title":"SNMP


    {"default":1000000,"title":"Credits","type":"integer","description":"Regulates the DSA. New requests are accepted until the number of

    credits is exhausted.","format":"int64"},"multi-write-attrs":{"description":"Defines which attributes will be

    replicated.","title":"Multiwrite Attributes","minItems":0,"items":{"type":"string"},"default":

    [],"uniqueItems":true,"type":"array"},"multi-write-ignore-attrs":{"type":"array","minItems":0,"description":"Defines which attributes

    will not be replicated.","default":[],"uniqueItems":true,"title":"Multiwrite Ignore Attributes","items":{"type":"string"}},"auth-

    levels":{"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"Authentication Levels","description":"Specifies the levels of

    authentication that will be accepted by this DSA. May include anonymous, clear-password, and ssl-auth.","items":{"enum":


    {"type":"string","description":"Specifies a partial DN, which the DSA recognizes as applicable to its entries. This is generally only

    used with LDAP servers.","dn":true,"title":"Native Prefix","pattern":"(.+=.+|^$)"},"osi-psap":

    {"type":"string","description":"Specifies a Presentation SAP port number. This is not often used.","title":"OSI PSAP"},"interface":

    {"type":"array","description":"Specifies the list of network interfaces.","items":{"type":"object","required":

    ["family","address","port"],"properties":{"family":{"type":"string","title":"Family","description":"the protocal for the

    interface","enum":["ipv4","ipv6","tcp"]},"port":{"type":"integer","title":"Port","description":"Port for the

    interface","minimum":1,"maximum":65535,"format":"int64"},"address":{"type":"string","title":"Address","description":"the network

    address for the interface."}}},"minItems":1,"title":"Interface(s)"},"link-flags":

    {"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"Link Flags","description":"Specifies flags that control connecting to the


    ad","siemens","rebind"]},"default":[]},"multi-write-group":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies what multiwrite group the DSA is

    in.","title":"Multiwrite Group"},"console-port":{"type":"integer","description":"Specifies the console port address, which allows the

    DSA console to accept connections from the local computer. If this is not specified, the DSA does not have a local

    console.","title":"Console Port","minimum":0,"maximum":65535,"format":"int64"},"console-password":{"type":"string","description":"The

    password required for connections from a remote computer. This password is transmitted in clear text.","title":"Console


    flags"],"properties":{"name":{"type":"string","description":"Name of the knowledge definition used in the set dsa = name

    command","title":"Name"},"dsa-password":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies the password other DSAs must supply to communicate

    with this DSA.","title":"DSA Password"},"trust-flags":{"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"Trust

    Flags","description":"Specifies flags relating to trust that control the operation of the DSA.","items":{"enum":["allow-check-


    credentials"]},"dsa-name":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies the name of the DSA.","dn":true,"title":"DSA Name","pattern":"(.

    +=.+|^$)"},"prefix":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies a partial DN, which specifies the namespace partition served by this

    DSA.","dn":true,"title":"Prefix","pattern":"(.+=.+|^$)"},"ldap-dsa-password":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies the password of

    the LDAP DSA.","title":"LDAP DSA Password"},"ldap-dsa-name":{"type":"string","description":"Specifies the name of the LDAP

    DSA.","dn":true,"title":"LDAP DSA Name","pattern":"(.+=.+|^$)"},"multi-write-attrs":{"description":"Defines which attributes will be

    replicated.","title":"Multiwrite Attributes","minItems":0,"items":{"type":"string"},"default":

    [],"uniqueItems":true,"type":"array"},"multi-write-ignore-attrs":{"type":"array","minItems":0,"description":"Defines which attributes

    will not be replicated.","default":[],"uniqueItems":true,"title":"Multiwrite Ignore Attributes","items":{"type":"string"}},"auth-

    levels":{"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"Authentication Levels","description":"Specifies the levels of

    authentication that will be accepted by this DSA. May include anonymous, clear-password, and ssl-auth.","items":{"enum":


    {"type":"string","description":"Specifies a partial DN, which the DSA recognizes as applicable to its entries. This is generally only

    used with LDAP servers.","dn":true,"title":"Native Prefix","pattern":"(.+=.+|^$)"},"interface":

    {"type":"array","description":"Specifies the list of network interfaces.","items":{"type":"object","required":

    ["family","address","port"],"properties":{"family":{"type":"string","title":"Family","description":"the protocal for the

    interface","enum":["ipv4","ipv6","tcp"]},"port":{"type":"integer","title":"Port","description":"Port for the

    interface","minimum":1,"maximum":65535,"format":"int64"},"address":{"type":"string","title":"Address","description":"the network

    address for the interface."}}},"minItems":1,"title":"Interface(s)"},"dsa-flags":

    {"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"DSA Flags","description":"Specifies the flags that control the operation of

    the DSA.","items":{"enum":["multi-write-async","multi-write"]}},"link-flags":

    {"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"minItems":1,"title":"Link Flags","description":"Specifies flags that control connecting to the


    info: Loaded language files from folder - "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/api-server/locales"
    info: Loaded locales are - "de,en,es,fr,it,ja,ko,pt-br,pt-pt"
    info: Creating a session store that can store a maximum of "1000" sessions with an allowed session idle time of "3600000" milliseconds
    info: DSA peers schema file is - "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/api-server/controllers/dsa-peers-schema.json"
    warn: Development error handler is used
    info: Cleaning files in directory "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/upload" ... started=Clean up files started at - "Wed Oct 11

    2017 21:33:35 GMT-0400 (EDT)"
    info: Cleaning files in directory "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/public/download" ... started=Clean up files started at -

    "Wed Oct 11 2017 21:33:35 GMT-0400 (EDT)"
    info: Creating HTTP server ...
    info: HTTP server started and listening on port 3000
    info: Checking idle sessions ...
    info: Session store has "0" stored sessions
    debug: URL path is - / id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 9210

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-route.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-route.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 4766

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/ngDialog.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/ngDialog-theme.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/ngDialog.css HTTP/1.1" 200 1857

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/font-awesome.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/vis.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/ngDialog-theme.css HTTP/1.1" 200 4072

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/ng-tags-input.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/ng-tags-input.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 3390

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/font-awesome.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 28758

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/vis.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 22392

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-components.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme-modifications.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme-modifications.css HTTP/1.1" 200 3368

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/app.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/app.css HTTP/1.1" 200 16622

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-cookies.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-cookies.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1447

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-animate.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-animate.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 25717

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 184649

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/jquery-3.1.0.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/jquery-3.1.0.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 86351

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.5.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:55 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.5.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 123874

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/messageformat-0.2.2/messageformat.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/messageformat-0.2.2/messageformat.js HTTP/1.1" 200 43944

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-components.css HTTP/1.1" 200 579312

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-interpolation-messageformat.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-interpolation-

    messageformat.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5229

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate.js HTTP/1.1"

    200 108724

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-loader-static-files.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-loader-static-

    files.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3046

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/ngDialog.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/ngDialog.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 11643

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/vis.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-vis.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-vis.js HTTP/1.1" 200 7480

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/ng-tags-input.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-idle.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/edl/userContext.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-idle.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 7249

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/edl/userContext.js HTTP/1.1" 200 955

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/edl/appContextSpi.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/edl/appContextSpi.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3252

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/edl/portalNavUi.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/edl/portalNavUi.js HTTP/1.1" 200 29827

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/ng-tags-input.js HTTP/1.1" 200 48374

    debug: URL path is - /app/app.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/app.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2793

    debug: URL path is - /app/routes.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/routes.js HTTP/1.1" 200 744

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/filters/ng-order-object-by.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/filters/ng-order-object-by.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1242

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/onFinishRender.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/onFinishRender.js HTTP/1.1" 200 269

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1187559

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/spinner.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/spinner.js HTTP/1.1" 200 139

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/dynamicModel.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/dynamicModel.js HTTP/1.1" 200 370

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/tooltip.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/tooltip.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2067

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/visGraph.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/visGraph.js HTTP/1.1" 200 582

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/environment-selector.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/environment-selector.js HTTP/1.1" 200 136

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/dsaIdentity.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:56 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/dsaIdentity.js HTTP/1.1" 200 128

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/vis.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 620506

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/file-select.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/file-select.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1247

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/login.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/login.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1865

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/dsa.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/dsa.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 13488

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/data.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/data.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 27504

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/environment.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/dxagent.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/environment.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5355

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/dxagent.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3801

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/alert.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/alert.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1952

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/shared-modal.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/shared-modal.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1788

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/fileupload.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/fileupload.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5367

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/modal.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/modal.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 8487

    debug: URL path is - /app/app/appController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/app/appController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1599

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/controllers/CollapseController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/common/controllers/CollapseController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 496

    debug: URL path is - /app/control-panel/controllers/ControlPanelController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/control-panel/controllers/ControlPanelController.js HTTP/1.1"

    200 1460

    debug: URL path is - /app/dit/controllers/ditController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/dit/controllers/ditController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 11193

    debug: URL path is - /app/environments/controllers/EnvironmentsController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/environments/controllers/EnvironmentsController.js HTTP/1.1" 200


    debug: URL path is - /app/login/controllers/loginController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/login/controllers/loginController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3830

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/ModalParentController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/ModalParentController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3266

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/about/controllers/ModalAboutController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/about/controllers/ModalAboutController.js HTTP/1.1" 200


    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-backup/controllers/ModalDsaBackupController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-backup/controllers/ModalDsaBackupController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 789

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-configure/controllers/ModalDsaConfigureController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-

    configure/controllers/ModalDsaConfigureController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 64286

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-delete/controllers/ModalDsaDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-delete/controllers/ModalDsaDeleteController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 1537

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-download/controllers/ModalDsaDownloadController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-

    download/controllers/ModalDsaDownloadController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1531

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-dxdisp/controllers/ModalDsaDxdispController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-dxdisp/controllers/ModalDsaDxdispController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 961

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-force-start/controllers/ModalDsaForceStartController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-force-

    start/controllers/ModalDsaForceStartController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1392

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-force-stop/controllers/ModalDsaForceStopController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-force-

    stop/controllers/ModalDsaForceStopController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1244

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-init/controllers/ModalDsaInitController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-init/controllers/ModalDsaInitController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 695

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-logroll/controllers/ModalDsaLogrollController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-

    logroll/controllers/ModalDsaLogrollController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 814

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-start-stop/controllers/ModalDsaStartStopController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-start-

    stop/controllers/ModalDsaStartStopController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1787

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-data/controllers/ModalDsaDataController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-data/controllers/ModalDsaDataController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 8981

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-empty/controllers/ModalDsaEmptyController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-empty/controllers/ModalDsaEmptyController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 1101

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-external-configure/controllers/ModalExternalConfigureController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-external-

    configure/controllers/ModalExternalConfigureController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 9492

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-external-delete/controllers/ModalExternalDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-external-

    delete/controllers/ModalExternalDeleteController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 848

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/env-create-edit/controllers/ModalEnvCreateEditController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/env-create-

    edit/controllers/ModalEnvCreateEditController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1877

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/env-delete/controllers/ModalEnvDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/env-delete/controllers/ModalEnvDeleteController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 734

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/env-reconciliation/controllers/ModalEnvReconciliationController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/env-

    reconciliation/controllers/ModalEnvReconciliationController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 783

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-access-controls/controllers/ModalHostAccessController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-access-

    controls/controllers/ModalHostAccessController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5866

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-create-edit/controllers/ModalHostCreateEditController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:57 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-create-

    edit/controllers/ModalHostCreateEditController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3261

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-delete/controllers/ModalHostDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:58 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-delete/controllers/ModalHostDeleteController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 678

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-schemas/controllers/ModalHostSchemasController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:58 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-schemas/controllers/ModalHostSchemasController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 5878

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/partials/inputs/ModalInputController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:58 +0000] "GET /app/modal/partials/inputs/ModalInputController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 605

    debug: URL path is - /app/nav/controllers/navController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:58 +0000] "GET /app/nav/controllers/navController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1342

    debug: URL path is - /app/settings/controllers/settingsController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:58 +0000] "GET /app/settings/controllers/settingsController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 743

    debug: URL path is - /app/topology/controllers/topologyController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:58 +0000] "GET /app/topology/controllers/topologyController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 15317

    debug: URL path is - /locales/client/locale-en.json id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /locales/client/locale-en.json HTTP/1.1" 200 24607

    debug: URL path is - /app/control-panel/views/control-panel.html id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /app/control-panel/views/control-panel.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1812

    debug: URL path is - /app/environments/views/page-environments.html id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /app/environments/views/page-environments.html HTTP/1.1" 200 10006

    debug: URL path is - /lib/img/small-spinner.gif id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /lib/img/small-spinner.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 673

    debug: URL path is - /lib/img/CALogo.png id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /lib/img/CALogo.png HTTP/1.1" 200 3003

    debug: URL path is - /lib/fonts/ca/CASans-Regular.ttf id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /lib/fonts/ca/CASans-Regular.ttf HTTP/1.1" 200 116592

    debug: URL path is - /lib/fonts/ca/CASans-Bold.ttf id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /lib/fonts/ca/CASans-Bold.ttf HTTP/1.1" 200 103956

    debug: URL path is - /favicon.ico id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:35:59 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 1150

    debug: URL path is - / id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 9210

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-route.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-cookies.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-route.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 4766

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-cookies.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1447

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-animate.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/jquery-3.1.0.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/ngDialog.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/ngDialog.css HTTP/1.1" 200 1857

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular-animate.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 25717

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/jquery-3.1.0.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 86351

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/ngDialog-theme.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/font-awesome.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/ngDialog-theme.css HTTP/1.1" 200 4072

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/vis.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/vis.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 22392

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/ng-tags-input.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/ng-tags-input.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 3390

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/font-awesome.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 28758

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme.min.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-components.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme-modifications.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme-modifications.css HTTP/1.1" 200 3368

    debug: URL path is - /lib/css/app.css id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/app.css HTTP/1.1" 200 16622

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-theme.min.css HTTP/1.1" 200 184649

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.5.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/messageformat-0.2.2/messageformat.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:14 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.5.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 123874

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/messageformat-0.2.2/messageformat.js HTTP/1.1" 200 43944

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate.js HTTP/1.1"

    200 108724

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-interpolation-messageformat.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-interpolation-

    messageformat.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5229

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-loader-static-files.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-translate-2.8.1/angular-translate-loader-static-

    files.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3046

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/ngDialog.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/ngDialog.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 11643

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/vis.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-vis.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-vis.js HTTP/1.1" 200 7480

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/angular-idle.min.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-idle.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 7249

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/lib/ng-tags-input.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/edl/userContext.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/css/edl-bootstrap-components.css HTTP/1.1" 200 579312

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/ng-tags-input.js HTTP/1.1" 200 48374

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/edl/userContext.js HTTP/1.1" 200 955

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/edl/appContextSpi.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/edl/appContextSpi.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3252

    debug: URL path is - /lib/js/edl/portalNavUi.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/app.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/routes.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/edl/portalNavUi.js HTTP/1.1" 200 29827

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/app.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2793

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/routes.js HTTP/1.1" 200 744

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/onFinishRender.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/onFinishRender.js HTTP/1.1" 200 269

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/spinner.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/spinner.js HTTP/1.1" 200 139

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/filters/ng-order-object-by.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/filters/ng-order-object-by.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1242

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/dynamicModel.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/dynamicModel.js HTTP/1.1" 200 370

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/tooltip.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/tooltip.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2067

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/visGraph.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/visGraph.js HTTP/1.1" 200 582

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/environment-selector.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/environment-selector.js HTTP/1.1" 200 136

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/dsaIdentity.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/dsaIdentity.js HTTP/1.1" 200 128

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/directives/file-select.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/directives/file-select.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1247

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/login.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/login.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1865

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/dsa.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/dsa.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 13488

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/data.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/data.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 27504

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/environment.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/dxagent.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/alert.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/environment.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5355

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/dxagent.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3801

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/shared-modal.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/alert.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1952

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/shared-modal.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1788

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/fileupload.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/fileupload.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5367

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/services/modal.service.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/app/appController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/services/modal.service.js HTTP/1.1" 200 8487

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/app/appController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1599

    debug: URL path is - /app/common/controllers/CollapseController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/common/controllers/CollapseController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 496

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/angular-1.5.8/angular.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1187559

    debug: URL path is - /app/control-panel/controllers/ControlPanelController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/control-panel/controllers/ControlPanelController.js HTTP/1.1"

    200 1460

    debug: URL path is - /app/dit/controllers/ditController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/dit/controllers/ditController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 11193

    debug: URL path is - /app/environments/controllers/EnvironmentsController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/environments/controllers/EnvironmentsController.js HTTP/1.1" 200


    debug: URL path is - /app/login/controllers/loginController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/login/controllers/loginController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3830

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/ModalParentController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/modal/ModalParentController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3266

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/about/controllers/ModalAboutController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/modal/about/controllers/ModalAboutController.js HTTP/1.1" 200


    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-configure/controllers/ModalDsaConfigureController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-backup/controllers/ModalDsaBackupController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-dxdisp/controllers/ModalDsaDxdispController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-

    configure/controllers/ModalDsaConfigureController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 64286

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-backup/controllers/ModalDsaBackupController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 789

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:15 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-dxdisp/controllers/ModalDsaDxdispController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 961

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-delete/controllers/ModalDsaDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-delete/controllers/ModalDsaDeleteController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 1537

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-download/controllers/ModalDsaDownloadController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-

    download/controllers/ModalDsaDownloadController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1531

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-force-start/controllers/ModalDsaForceStartController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-force-stop/controllers/ModalDsaForceStopController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-force-

    start/controllers/ModalDsaForceStartController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1392

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-force-

    stop/controllers/ModalDsaForceStopController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1244

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-logroll/controllers/ModalDsaLogrollController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-

    logroll/controllers/ModalDsaLogrollController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 814

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-init/controllers/ModalDsaInitController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-init/controllers/ModalDsaInitController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 695

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-data/controllers/ModalDsaDataController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-start-stop/controllers/ModalDsaStartStopController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-data/controllers/ModalDsaDataController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 8981

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-start-

    stop/controllers/ModalDsaStartStopController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1787

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-dsa-empty/controllers/ModalDsaEmptyController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-dsa-empty/controllers/ModalDsaEmptyController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 1101

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-external-configure/controllers/ModalExternalConfigureController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/action-external-delete/controllers/ModalExternalDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-external-

    configure/controllers/ModalExternalConfigureController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 9492

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/action-external-

    delete/controllers/ModalExternalDeleteController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 848

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/env-create-edit/controllers/ModalEnvCreateEditController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/env-create-

    edit/controllers/ModalEnvCreateEditController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1877

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/env-delete/controllers/ModalEnvDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/env-delete/controllers/ModalEnvDeleteController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 734

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/env-reconciliation/controllers/ModalEnvReconciliationController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/env-

    reconciliation/controllers/ModalEnvReconciliationController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 783

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-access-controls/controllers/ModalHostAccessController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-create-edit/controllers/ModalHostCreateEditController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-access-

    controls/controllers/ModalHostAccessController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5866

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-create-

    edit/controllers/ModalHostCreateEditController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3261

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-delete/controllers/ModalHostDeleteController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-delete/controllers/ModalHostDeleteController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 678

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/host-schemas/controllers/ModalHostSchemasController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/host-schemas/controllers/ModalHostSchemasController.js

    HTTP/1.1" 200 5878

    debug: URL path is - /app/modal/partials/inputs/ModalInputController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/modal/partials/inputs/ModalInputController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 605

    debug: URL path is - /app/nav/controllers/navController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /app/settings/controllers/settingsController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/nav/controllers/navController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1342

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/settings/controllers/settingsController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 743

    debug: URL path is - /app/topology/controllers/topologyController.js id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /app/topology/controllers/topologyController.js HTTP/1.1" 200 15317

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:16 +0000] "GET /lib/js/lib/vis.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 620506

    debug: URL path is - /lib/fonts/ca/casans-regular-webfont.eot id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/fonts/ca/casans-bold-webfont.eot id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /lib/fonts/ca/casans-regular-webfont.eot? HTTP/1.1" 200 33164

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /lib/fonts/ca/casans-bold-webfont.eot? HTTP/1.1" 200 32425

    debug: URL path is - /lib/img/small-spinner.gif id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /lib/img/small-spinner.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 673

    debug: URL path is - /lib/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /lib/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot? HTTP/1.1" 200


    debug: URL path is - /lib/fonts/mf-icons-webfonts/mf-icons.woff id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /lib/fonts/mf-icons-webfonts/mf-icons.woff HTTP/1.1" 200 118996

    debug: URL path is - /locales/client/locale-en.json id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /locales/client/locale-en.json HTTP/1.1" 200 24607

    debug: URL path is - /app/control-panel/views/control-panel.html id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /app/control-panel/views/control-panel.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1812

    debug: URL path is - /app/environments/views/page-environments.html id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /app/environments/views/page-environments.html HTTP/1.1" 200 10006

    debug: URL path is - /lib/img/CALogo.png id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    debug: URL path is - /lib/img/ca-default-avatar.png id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /lib/img/CALogo.png HTTP/1.1" 200 3003

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /lib/img/ca-default-avatar.png HTTP/1.1" 200 1923

    debug: URL path is - /favicon.ico id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:36:17 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 1150

    info: Checking idle sessions ...
    info: Session store has "0" stored sessions
    debug: URL path is - /login id=undefined
    debug: Relaxed CSRF control, HTTP methods ignored are - GET,OPTIONS,HEAD id=undefined
    info: Authenticating user "admin" ...
    info: Authenticating user "admin" ...: authenticating user against server "ldaps://hostname:10389"
    info: Authenticating user "admin" ...: connected successfully, try to bind now ...
    info: Authenticating user "admin" ...: authenticated
    info: Session ID + "0bf62b2fbdc71c8fe24fe5e0f364710f242f72c3f4e219478954ffd797c4148b" added to session store for user "admin"
    info: Authenticated user "{"username":"admin","SessionId":"0bf62b2fbdc71c8fe24fe5e0f364710f242f72c3f4e219478954ffd797c4148b"}" is to

    be serialized to session cookie
    debug: Logged in user is  - {"username":"admin","SessionId":"0bf62b2fbdc71c8fe24fe5e0f364710f242f72c3f4e219478954ffd797c4148b"}
    debug: Logged in user session is ... "{"csrfSecret":"on22eL9-YWXQKbFIsT6qfOv5","passport":{"user":

    info: ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:38:49 +0000] "POST /login HTTP/1.1" 200 21

    info: User from session cookie "{"username":"admin","SessionId":"0bf62b2fbdc71c8fe24fe5e0f364710f242f72c3f4e219478954ffd797c4148b"}"

    is to be checked against LDAP directory ...
    debug: Acquiring an LDAP connection from the pool
    debug: Acquiring an LDAP connection from the pool: before connection is acquired, pool size - 0
    debug: Acquiring an LDAP connection from the pool: before connection is acquired, available object count - 0
    debug: Acquiring an LDAP connection from the pool: before connection is acquired, number of clients waiting for connection - 0
    info: Creating LDAP connection to "ldaps://hostname:10389"
    error: Creating LDAP connection to "ldaps://hostname:10389": Error when trying to connect, error: InvalidCredentialsError: Bind:

    Password not matched
    error: Creating LDAP connection to "ldaps://hostname:10389": Setup error when trying to connect, error: InvalidCredentialsError:

    Bind: Password not matched
    error: Acquiring an LDAP connection from the pool: failed to acquire an LDAP connection, error: InvalidCredentialsError: Bind:

    Password not matched
    error: uncaughtException: false == true date=Wed Oct 11 2017 21:38:49 GMT-0400 (EDT), pid=7773, uid=58910, gid=1600,

    cwd=/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui, execPath=/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/node, version=v4.4.6, argv=

    [/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/node, /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/bin/www,

    /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/www], rss=45416448, heapTotal=27000672, heapUsed=22081976, loadavg=[0, 0.001953125,

    0], uptime=2391036
    AssertionError: false == true
        at createOne (/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/api-server/models/ldap.js:18:5)
        at /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/api-server/models/ldap.js:53:44
        at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:420:9)
        at process._tickCallback (node.js:349:13)
    error: Error when tring to connect to LDAP server, error is: Error: Server operation failed
    info: [0622f65215335416] ::ffff: - - [12/Oct/2017:01:38:49 +0000] "GET /ca/api/dxmanagement/v0.1/environments/ HTTP/1.1"

    500 83

    info: LDAP disconnected through process exit

    npm ERR! Linux 2.6.32-696.3.2.el6.x86_64
    npm ERR! argv "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/node" "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/npm"

    "start" "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/www"
    npm ERR! node v4.4.6
    npm ERR! npm  v2.15.5
    npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
    npm ERR! management-api@0.0.0 start: `node ./bin/www "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/www"`
    npm ERR! Exit status 1
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! Failed at the management-api@0.0.0 start script 'node ./bin/www "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/www"'.
    npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the management-api package,
    npm ERR! not with npm itself.
    npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
    npm ERR!     node ./bin/www "/opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/www"
    npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
    npm ERR!     npm bugs management-api
    npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR!     npm owner ls management-api
    npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

    npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
    npm ERR!     /opt/ca/apps/cadirectory/management-ui/node.js/bin/npm-debug.log

  • 7.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 11, 2017 11:11 PM

    CA Directory installation docs did not mention this step anywhere.

    npm start $DXUIHOME/bin/www

  • 8.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 11, 2017 11:22 PM

    Thanks. The correct way to start the management UI is as per the documentation to cd $DXUIHOME and run ./start_dxmgmtui. The npm mode is good for debugging and determining why the management UI stops running.


    I will investigate the above information to determine the root cause for the management UI crash and get back to you. Once resolved you can go back to the normal start-up method.

  • 9.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 12, 2017 12:41 AM

    The issue is that the connection between the management UI and the CA Directory instance that stores configuration is failing. This is unfortunately as it should be configured correctly OOTB.


    Firstly, we need to check that the management UI is correctly configured. Can you please look in $DXUIHOME/config.js, there should be section starting ~line 114 where this is configured.


    * LDAP client connection configuration
    module.exports.ldapClientConfig = [
    { reconnect: true,url: 'ldaps://hostname:10389',timeout: 100000,connectTimeout: 10000,bindDN: 'cn=superuser,ou=users,o=management-ui',bindCredentials: '8HLfSijc/KsdA8GXEL0CCKJlPbVbafZCDAhXx6ICo6o=',tlsOptions: ldapTlsOptions }/*__LDAP_CLIENT_CONFIG__*/

    Authentication can be checked using the following command (note: you password will differ as these are unique per install):


    dxsearch -Z -h hostname:10389 -D cn=superuser,ou=users,o=management-ui -w 8HLfSijc/KsdA8GXEL0CCKJlPbVbafZCDAhXx6ICo6o= -b ""

    If authentication still fails and the password above looks ok, then we need to look at manually overriding the superuser password. We can cross that bridge when we come to it.

  • 10.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Oct 12, 2017 11:21 AM

    Could this be because the way this install was performed originally using response files?


    First CA Directory was installed with Response file where I see a section:

    # DXagent parameters

    NOTE: I have removed the actual full hostname and password from here for security reason as it was in the acutal response file you provided to support.


    And next Mgmt UI was installed on this same host with Response file where I see a section:

    # DXagent parameters

    Eventhough the problem is not related to DXagent, I am guessing there is some dependency here which might be causing part of the problem.

    If time is a pressing issue (as you asked to raise support case to P1), maybe you can start from scratch as this is a new install?

    Maybe uninstall and start with manual (without response file) install of Mgmt UI package?

    BTW, Memg UI package has components you need (i.e. DXserver, DXagent, Mgmt Srv etc.) so no need to install CA Directory (aka DXserver) first.

  • 11.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 12, 2017 12:47 PM

    Hi Hitesh.  The reason we preferred to use response file is - The command installation doesnt let use our preferred  account "ldap" to use for dxserver operations. .we dont want " dsa" account creating on linux .

  • 12.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Oct 12, 2017 01:03 PM

    Hi Surendra, I believe you can use -dxuser switch/option with installer you have your own user defined if 'dsa' user is not a preference. Maybe give this a try via manual reinstall and see if the help? I know you have an upcoming WebEx so maybe you can do it during that time. Thanks, Hitesh

  • 13.  Re: There's a lot of confusion in CA Directory installation.

    Posted Oct 16, 2017 11:00 PM

    we did everything but no luck .