Automic Workload Automation

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How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

  • 1.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 04:21 AM
    Is there a way to retrieve all used/set variables in a workflow.
    I want to write all the used variables into an external file with the format <Var_name>:<Var_Value>
    :PSET &VAR1 = "Var one"
    :PSET &VAR2 = "Var two" 
    :PSET etc ...

    Before writing I do not know which vars are all set.
    Sometime I have &VAR1# .. &VAR4# and an other time I have &VAR2# .. &VAR8#

    So the question is not how to write them to a file, but the question is how to determine which vars are used/set.  

    Thanks in advance

  • 2.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 08:37 AM
    That info is stored in the EV Table

    you can use this select (TSQL)
    1346008 is the current Run Id of the object

    select EV_Vname as 'Scriptvariable Name', EV_Value as 'Value' from EV
    where EV_AH_IDNR = 1346008

  • 3.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 09:06 AM
    Thanks for the replay
    Looking at the structure thats indeed where I'm looking for.

    I'm quitte a new user of Automic
    Is it possible to access the EV Table from an AE-object (pe SCRI) ?
    Or which ways are possible to access the EV Table.
    Can you guide me on how to ... . 

    Again thanks in advance

  • 4.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 09:14 AM
    Yes, you can access the EV table via SQL Internal (SQLI) or SQL Internal Secure (SEC_SQLI)  or SQL Secure (SEC_SQL) variable object.

    For SQLI:
    Use this if you don't need any dynamic values in your query.
    No Connection object, and you can't bind variables.

    For SEC_SQLI:
    You'll need a CONN (Connection) object that connects to your Automation Engine (AE) database. This will be used by this VARA object to connect to the AE database.
    You can also bind variables. 
    This does *not* require a database agent.
    Please  see

    For SEC_SQL:
    Requires a database agent that is started in Database Service mode.
    Almost similar as SQL Internal Secure.

    Note: Difference between Database Agent and Database Service Agent, see

  • 5.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 09:35 AM
    you can use an VARA.SQLI object or an SQL job
    to extract the information you can use the script command prep_process_var
    or for the SQL job prep_process_report

    in any process tab (preproc, porc or postproc).

    I personally would prefer the sqli vara...

    but that depends on your requirements and how you wish to use this information.


  • 6.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 11:12 AM
    It's also good to mention that the EV values are only available while the objects are active (i.e. are also in EH), so you can use these values within the running objects scripts.

    If you need to check variables and values that were used on previous executions, then AV can be used.

  • 7.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 02:33 PM
    @P Jansen  as a general Hint for debugging purposes I would recommend printing the value of Variables at least once in the Job report.

    To check if they are set ot not you can use following code construct:

    :SET &VAR# = "&VAR#"
    :PRINT "&&VAR# = &VAR#"

    this does not throw an error if &VAR# is not set - instead the value of &VAR# will be ""

    If you do not want that to be printed to the job Report put it in an IF clause and set e.g. the scriptvar &EXTENDED_LOG# Value 1 -- or 0  in Variables and Prompts

    :IF &EXTENDED_LOG# = 1
    :  SET &VAR# = "&VAR#"
    :  PRINT "&&VAR# = &VAR#"
    :  SET &VAR33# = "&VAR33#"
    :  PRINT "&&VAR33# = &VAR33#"

  • 8.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 27, 2017 06:29 AM
    For access the EV table I can use the SQL Internal (SQLI)
    I did a quick test, creating a new VARA and was able to get the info I need 

    I have one additional question.
    Is it also possible to use a variable in the query to decrease the count of records?!
    For example 
    "select EV_Vname, EV_Value from EV where EV_AH_IDNR = &$RUNID#"
    update: the query gives me an error  :s

  • 9.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 27, 2017 08:36 AM
    Yes this is possible but not in a standalone SQLI object -- this is not able to resolve the variable &$RUNID#

    => works only if you use it in combination with prep_process_var (in a script, workflow  or job) - then the variable &$RUNID# can be resolved within the VARA.

  • 10.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 27, 2017 10:06 AM

    I created a SQLI object (VARA.SQLI_TEST_EV) 
    Query used is : select EV_AH_IDNR, EV_Vname, EV_Value from EV

    In a testflow I include a script-object with the following process

    :   IF &RUN_ID# = &$RUNID#
    :   ENDIF

    This doesn't result in any output  :'(

    Manually I found the variables (with the correct runid) also in the AV table.
    So I created an other SQLI-query on the AV table. (select * from AV) and added it in the script as;

    :   IF &RUN_ID1# = &$RUNID#
    :     PRINT "&RUN_ID1# &VAR_NAME# &VAR_VALUE#"
    :   ENDIF

    This also doesn't result in any output 

    Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong  :s

    Thanks in advance

  • 11.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 27, 2017 10:55 AM
    I suggest you to put an  :Print "test" before the IF statement for the first time and after the IF statement in a second time, to see if condition is satisfied or not.

  • 12.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 27, 2017 03:23 PM
    With Karims hint you would have found the error after a bit testing ;.)

    &$RUNID# returns the RUN ID with leading zeros
    the DB query returns it without leading zeros.

    I put a PRINT instead of the IF clause - just for now & for testin  purposes:

    : PRINT "own: &MY_RUN_ID# -- RUN# &RUN_ID# -- VAR Name: &VAR_NAME# -- Val: &VAR_VALUE#"

    2017-03-27 21:13:30 - U00020408 own: 0001351022 -- RUN# 1351022 -- VAR Name: &TEST2123# -- Val: 55

    so basically your script is fine - we just have to remove the leading Zeros using script command FORMAT:

    :SET  &MY_RUN_ID# = &$RUNID#
    !remove leadig Zeros

    :   IF &RUN_ID# = &MY_RUN_ID#
    :     PRINT "own: &MY_RUN_ID# -- RUN# &RUN_ID# -- VAR Name: &VAR_NAME# -- Val: &VAR_VALUE#"
    :   ENDIF

    2017-03-27 21:14:45 - U00020206 Variable '&TEST2123#' was stored with value '55'.
    2017-03-27 21:14:45 - U00020408 own: 1351024 -- RUN# 1351024 -- VAR Name: &TEST2123# -- Val: 55

    During job development some more prints are better than fewer.
    thats it :-)

  • 13.  How to retrieve a list of used/set variables in a (running) flow

    Posted Mar 28, 2017 03:45 AM
    Again thanks for the tips.

    Finally I got the expected results, but first I needed to handle a SQLVAR_MAX_ROWS  limitation.
    See below 

    Made a new script;

    :SET  &MY_RUN_ID# = &$RUNID#

    :SET &tmpvar# = "999"
    :SET &tel# = 0

    :PRINT "Original runid : &$RUNID#"
    :PRINT "      My runid : &MY_RUN_ID#"

    !VARA.SQLI_TEST_EV = select * from EV
    :   SET &tel# = &tel# + 1
    :   IF &RUN_ID1# <> &tmpvar#
    :     PRINT "Run1 : &RUN_ID1#"
    :     SET &tmpvar# = &RUN_ID1#
    :   ENDIF
    :   IF &RUN_ID1# = &MY_RUN_ID#
    :     PRINT "&RUN_ID1# &VAR_NAME# &VAR_VALUE#"
    :   ENDIF
    :PRINT "Number of records : &tel#"

    The output .... 
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020206 Variable '&EXT_VAR1' was stored with value 'One'.
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020206 Variable '&EXT_VAR2' was stored with value 'Two'.

    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408 Original runid : 0001080152
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408       My runid : 1080152
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408 Run1 : 1080053
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408 Run1 : 1080054
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408 Run1 : 1080055
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408 Run1 : 1080056
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408 Run1 : 1080058
    2017-03-28 09:09:53 - U00020408 Number of records : 0000000000000200

    Looking at the count of records it stops after 200 records. !!
    A select count(*) from EV returns over 7000 records. 

    Once I changed the query in VARA.SQLI_TEST_EV as; select * from EV order by ev_ah_idnr desc

    The output is giving me the expected result  :)
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020206 Variable '&EXT_VAR1' was stored with value 'One'.
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020206 Variable '&EXT_VAR2' was stored with value 'Two'.
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Original runid : 0001084370
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408       My runid : 1084370
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Run1 : 1084370
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 1084370 &EXT_VAR2 Two
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 1084370 &EXT_VAR1 One
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Run1 : 1084259
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Run1 : 1084258
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Run1 : 1084257
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Run1 : 1084256
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Run1 : 1084255
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Run1 : 1084151
    2017-03-28 09:26:11 - U00020408 Number of records : 0000000000000200

    Found this 'limitation' is set in SQLVAR_MAX_ROWS (default 200)

    Thanks all for helping me