• 1.  Error Gen with SQL

    Posted Apr 22, 2018 08:44 PM

    Hello there.


    I am facing problems when using SQL commands in my code.

    The build return is:


    ...Linking Load Module stub QCMENU
    link /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS -entry:WinMainCRTStartup -out:"C:\CAGEN\Models\draft_1.ief\c\QCMENU.EXE" /DELAYLOAD:WRGN.DLL "C:\CAGEN\Models\draft_1.ief\c\OBJC\STUB.OBJ" "C:\CAGEN\Models\draft_1.ief\c\OBJC\STUBMAIN.OBJ" "C:\CAGEN\Models\draft_1.ief\c\STUB.RES" @"C:\CAGEN\Models\draft_1.ief\c\STUB.LNK"
    ...SQL Precompiling QCMENU - QCONC
    CD "C:\CAGEN\Models\draft_1.ief\c\."
    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\CAGEN\Gen\PROC.EXE' : return code '0xc0000139'
    SQL Precompile of C:\CAGEN\Models\draft_1.ief\c\QCONC.SQC failed with errors.
    Try PROC.EXE command to check if ORACLE preprocessor is installed.
    Arquivo nÆo encontrado
    *** Build for Load Module QCMENU Failed. ***
    Important! Review above for any errors.


    I got PROC.EXE from Oracle site and I don't know if it was right or not.

    Just to give you a big picture for you, I am using a Windows 64bits and I already tried using PROC.EXE for 64.. for 32 changing the build tool to 32bit etc...


    Any clue ?!?



    Marco Bomfim

  • 2.  Re: Error Gen with SQL
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Apr 22, 2018 10:32 PM

    Hi Marco,

    The bitness of the Oracle precompiler should not matter because it is only creating .c files from the .sqc files and not used to build binaries. However the Oracle client runtime library bitness would be relevant to the final application build and execution.

    If you are building a Gen Window packaged application i.e GUI application containing SQL calls then it will always be a 32-bit application and you need the 32-bit Oracle client software.

    If you are building a Gen Cooperative packaged application and the Server Manager is making the SQL calls then it can be 32-bit or 64-bit depending on compiler version and BT profile settings (OPTIONS>OPT.BITS), so you need to install corresponding Oracle client software.


    Assuming this is a Window packaged application for now for the error you are seeing it seems to be trying to look for the precompiler executable proc.exe in the Gen install directory which is not correct because the Oracle client software should have its own install directory.

    The BT Profile options for DBMS>Oracle should be set to where the Oracle client software is installed. That is also per AndyHebert 's advice in your earlier thread: PROC.EXE not found  

    See this example for my test environment for Oracle 11g 32-bit client which you mentioned in that earlier thread.

    If you still have problems please upload the complete .out file and screenshot of your BT profile settngs


    I hope that information helps




    NOTE: I saw your other thread saying you are using the free version of Gen 8.6. Oracle 12c is actually the default for Gen 8.6 and to be able to use Oracle 11g the Gen runtimes will need to be rebuilt with script mkdbs.bat otherwise after the application is successfully and executed I would expect the attempted connection to Oracle to fail.

  • 3.  Re: Error Gen with SQL

    Posted Apr 24, 2018 02:31 PM

    Hello Lynn.


    Thanks for you time.

    I have Oracle 11g Server installed in my laptop and I am trying to install a client but with no success.

    I have also tried to install 12c with no success as well... it looks like there is something wrong with my laptop configuration...

    I'll keep trying, but actually I am almost dead with this !