
  • 1.  What is the use of "unique_name_in" element in ca ppm query wsdl?

    Posted Dec 08, 2018 04:56 AM

    I tried searching if I can send multiple parameters using above element in SOAP request body. But couldn't get the results. So looking if above element is meant for sending multiple parameters or is it for any other use. 

    Request I am trying is as below.


    Soap Request that is not Working: 




    Also tried with no luck:







    Note: We are in version 15v+

  • 2.  Re: What is the use of "unique_name_in" element in ca ppm query wsdl?

    Posted Dec 11, 2018 08:54 PM

    You will need to give more context on what you are trying to do.


    However, using an example of XOG'ing out multiple portles using the provided portlets_read.xml as an example, the format is:

        <Filter name="code" criteria="OR">abc,xyz</Filter>

    Please review and see if this can be applied back to what you are attempting to undertake.


    I have also undertaken 'SOAP' calls, but my previous attempts were to only return 1 record, or, all records.

    1 record

    <Query xmlns="""">

    All records

    <Query xmlns="""">


    If you don't find a solution, why don't you just run the '1 record' example above twice, and passing required 'id' in each call?

  • 3.  Re: What is the use of "unique_name_in" element in ca ppm query wsdl?

    Posted Dec 12, 2018 04:02 AM

    We can use 'complex' power filter expressions in a SOAP call too ; see here How do I use the 'Build Power Filter' option in a SOAP VBA call? 

  • 4.  Re: What is the use of "unique_name_in" element in ca ppm query wsdl?

    Posted Dec 12, 2018 05:22 AM

    Hi David Morton,


    I liked the discussion over here. But the key part is how the "Filter expression" is to be written. So if I can get few sample expressions it would be of a great help.

  • 5.  Re: What is the use of "unique_name_in" element in ca ppm query wsdl?

    Posted Dec 12, 2018 05:39 AM

    Its the same syntax as you would get using a power-filter in the application ; so you can build a power-filter using the application (where you select the fields and then the values and so on) and then it will show you the relevant syntax there (in the "expression")

  • 6.  Re: What is the use of "unique_name_in" element in ca ppm query wsdl?

    Posted Dec 12, 2018 05:21 AM

    Hello Roland.Parrotte,


    I am trying to execute a query WSDL using soap request. So I need to input a query filter with multiple inputs with comma separated. I saw that this "IN" option in WSDL normally for sending multiple values. But this is not working. I checked out other discussions. One of which have a work around for the same. But I wanted to know if the "IN" filter expression can reduce the work involved in work around.

  • 7.  Re: What is the use of "unique_name_in" element in ca ppm query wsdl?

    Posted Dec 12, 2018 05:40 AM

    Like in the example posted above, it is "OR" that you need to use (not "IN")