
  • 1.  XOG to update notification settings

    Posted Oct 12, 2010 07:08 AM
    Hi all,

    has anyone successfully XOGed resource notification settigs?
    I want to be able to turn the notifications off globally prior to running a large script that adds resources to projects.
    This script will be a regular thing, so wanted to do it this way, and to turn them back on after the script has run...

    Thanks in advance,

  • 2.  RE: XOG to update notification settings

    Posted Oct 12, 2010 07:08 AM
    Not sure that you can manipulate that through XOG??? (happy to be corrected though!)


    But to do what you need to do on the database, you need to CREATE entries in the CLB_NOTIFICATION_PREFS table - you need to create a record for each user and type that you DO NOT WANT a notification sent for. (i.e. the default is "on").

    And to turn the notifications back "on", you just delete the records you have created above (you should be able to spot them by the CREATED_DATE/BY fields on the table).