
  • 1.  Lookup attribute size, param query lookup and List view

    Posted Jun 13, 2013 05:19 AM
    I have an attribute lookup query (parametrized) called "myselectedtask" which let us see (in a customized way) and pick a task from a list of tasks(projectid is sent to query as param)

    In the lookup:
    if I configure as hiddenkey=taskname and display=taskname, it works BUT lookup string seems to be limited to 30char, so with long task names ->Error: Value is too large
    if I configure as hiddenkey=taskid and display=taskname, then from Edit view, attribute displays the complete taskname

    However, I have a problem with LIST view, since parameterized lookups don't work on the object LIST view, so I had to create a calculated attribute using Concat(myselectedtask," ") to retrieve the taskname from the lookup and be able to display in List view and its works quite well.
    BUT we have the previous 30char limitation for a lookup attribute, so taskname(hiddenkey) wouldn't work with long tasknames

    On the other side if a lookup attribute stores a short string such as taskid(hiddenkey) as recommended in bestpractises, It will display the number and I couldn't find a way to display the taskname.

    is there other way to display the output of a param lookup from a List view?
    could be possible to increase the type and size for the lookup attribute in database?
    Any idea?

  • 2.  RE: Lookup attribute size, param query lookup and List view

    Posted Jun 17, 2013 11:51 AM
    Hi All,

    Any ideas here for this one?


  • 3.  RE: Lookup attribute size, param query lookup and List view

    Posted Jun 17, 2013 02:44 PM
    Changing the size of an attribute in the database is unsupported customization so the best approach is to ask CA for approval.

    The latest on the forum on parametrized lookups in list views are

    Martti K.