
  • 1.  Xog-Gel Query requesting to help in my training

    Posted Sep 16, 2013 01:59 AM
    I want to read task data from project and update it automatically into subobject called Task Information which is subobject to status report who's master object
    is project.In my projects page i have 4 projects which are defined by me.I am sending a Gel please go through it are there any mistakes.Because when i am using
    the following Xog-Gel i am getting information information in only one project but not in the project where i exactly need while running the process can you plese help
    me how to populate the data automatically from project to its grandoject
    xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <!-- Description: GEL script that will create Task Details object instances using XOG -->
    <!-- Author: Raghu Bongu -->
    <!-- Version: 1.0 -->
    <!-- Created Dt: 9/6/13 --> 
    <!-- The XOG URL is taken from the properties file-->
    <gel:parse file="../config/properties.xml" var="properties"/>
    <util:tokenize delim="/" var="entryUrl">
    <gel:expr select="$properties//webServerInstance[@id='app']/@entryUrl"/>
    <core:set value="http://${entryUrl[1]}" var="XOGURL"/>
    <!-- end get URL -->
    <gel:log>XOG URL = ${XOGURL}</gel:log>
    <gel:setDataSource dbId="Niku" var="clarityDS"/>
    <gel:log>Object Instance ID - ${gel_objectInstanceId}</gel:log>
    <!-- get username and sessionId -->
    <gel:parameter var="username"/>
    <core:new className="" var="secId" />
    <core:invokeStatic var="userSessionCtrl" className="" method="getInstance" />
    <core:set var="secId" value="${userSessionCtrl.init(username, secId)}"/>
    <core:set var="XOGUsername" value="${secId.getUserName()}"/>
    <core:set var="sessionID" value="${secId.getSessionId()}"/>
    <!-- a username will need to be provided on the Script Parameters page.  not selected from single location at this time -->
    <gel:log>Username for XOG set - ${XOGUsername}</gel:log>
    <gel:log>Session ID set - ${sessionID}</gel:log>
    <!-- end get username and session -->
    <!-- Check XOG sessionID -->
    <core:when test="${sessionID == null}">
    <gel:log category="XOG" level="INFO">Login Failed.  No Session ID.</gel:log>
    <gel:log category="XOG" level="INFO">Login successful.  Session ID - ${sessionID}</gel:log>
    <!-- Begin XOG Elements -->
    <!-- XOG Header -->
    <gel:parse var="gstskinfrmInts">
    <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_customObjectInstance.xsd">
    <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="customObjectInstance" version=""/>
    <customObjectInstances objectCode="gs_tsk_infrm">
    <!--Custom object instances go here -->
    <!-- Get the Task Details on this project object instance -->
    <sql:query dataSource="${clarityDS}" var="result" escapeText="false">
    to_char(t.prstart, 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
    to_char(t.PRFINISH, 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
    (select code from inv_investments where id = t.prprojectid) gpar_code,
    (select code from ODF_CA_GS_STATUS_REPORT WHERE ID = ${gel_objectInstanceId}) par_code,
    PRJ_EFFORT_FCT(t.prid,'task','ETC') / 3600
    prtask t,odf_ca_task tm
    where  t.prprojectid=(SELECT ODF_PARENT_id FROM ODF_CA_GS_STATUS_REPORT WHERE ID = ${gel_objectInstanceId} )
          and t.prid=tm.iD
    <core:forEach items="${result.rowsByIndex}" trim="true" var="rrow">
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+0]}" var="task_name"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+1]}" var="task_status"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+2]}" var="task_manager"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+3]}" var="start"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+4]}" var="finish"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+5]}" var="uniq_code"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+6]}" var="gpar_code"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+7]}" var="par_code"/>
    <core:set value="${rrow[i+8]}" var="task_etc"/>
    <gel:parse var="InstRows">
    <instance grandparentInstanceCode="${gpar_code}" grandparentObjectCode="project" instanceCode="${uniq_code}" objectCode="gs_tsk_infrm"
      parentInstanceCode="${par_code}" parentObjectCode="gs_status_report">
    <ColumnValue name="gs_task_mgr">${task_manager}</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="gs_task_status">${task_status}</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="task_finish">${finish}T17:00:00</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="name">${uniq_code}</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="code">${uniq_code}</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="odf_parent_id">${gel_objectInstanceId}</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="odf_cncrt_parent_id">${gel_objectInstanceId}</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="task_start">${start}T08:00:00</ColumnValue>
    <ColumnValue name="gs_task_etc">${task_etc}</ColumnValue>
    <gel:set insert="true" select="$gstskinfrmInts/NikuDataBus/customObjectInstances" value="${InstRows}"/>
    <gel:log level="DEBUG"><gel:expr select="$gstskinfrmInts"/></gel:log>
    <!-- Make a soap:invoke to create these instances -->
    <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="runresult">
    <gel:include select="$gstskinfrmInts"/>
    <!-- End of soap:invoke -->
    <!-- Analyse the XOG Output -->
    <gel:set asString="true" select="$runresult/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/XOGOutput/Status/@state" var="XOGoutcome"/>
    <gel:log level="info" message="Status: ${XOGoutcome}"/>
    <core:switch on="${XOGoutcome}">
    <core:case value="SUCCESS">
    <gel:set asString="false" select="$runresult/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/XOGOutput/Statistics" var="stats"/>
    <gel:out>Success! Total number of records: <gel:expr select="$stats/@totalNumberOfRecords"/></gel:out>
    <core:case value="FAILURE">
    <gel:set asString="false" select="$runresult/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/XOGOutput/Statistics" var="stats"/>
    <gel:out> XOG failed. Out of <gel:expr select="$stats/@totalNumberOfRecords"/> 
      records, <gel:expr select="$stats/@failureRecords"/> failed.
    <gel:out>Couldn't find XOG output summary. Please check the output file manually.</gel:out>
    <!-- finally logout and close the XOG session -->
    <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="logoutresult">
    xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog="">
    <!-- END OF If session is valid -->

  • 2.  RE: Xog-Gel Query requesting to help in my training
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 16, 2013 04:08 AM

    gamya wrote:

    ...requesting to help in my training
    I think this question has got a bit further than just "training", you are asking us to debug your complex code! :grin:


    Without trying to read your code too much, the problem sounds like the XML that you build to perform the XOG ($gstskinfrmInts) may just be 'wrong';

    You need to look at the output of your;
    <gel:log level="DEBUG"><gel:expr select="$gstskinfrmInts"/></gel:log>
    command to see what that constructed XML looks like.