
  • 1.  V13.1 Datamart extraction failures

    Posted Dec 03, 2013 12:48 AM

    Hi again,

    I'm pretty new to this whole Clarity thing and we're in the process of upgrading from V12.0.4 to V13.1 through the prescribed upgrade path.

    Unfortunately, the Datamart Extraction job is failing. The initial lines of the error from the log are below...

    ERROR 2013-12-03 14:17:06,138 [Dispatch pool-4-thread-10 : bg@PIBAPPDV24 (tenant=clarity)] niku.blobcrack (clarity:admin:24843622__7B5590E8-5EA8-46B4-84EF-66BA11CB81B9:Time Slicing) Exception during blobcrack process
    SQL error code: 512
    Error message: [CA Clarity][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
    SQL error code: 3621
    Error message: [CA Clarity][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The statement has been terminated.
     update odf_ca_dpif_obj_prj_deliver set odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar = ? where odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar is null 
    Derived from statement:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <statement sortColumnPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortColumn" sortDirectionPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortDirection" slicePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@slice" sliceSizePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@sliceSize" inputSource="map" xmlns="">
      <sql dbVendor="all">
        <text>update odf_ca_dpif_obj_prj_deliver set odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar = ? where odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar is null </text>
        <param name="sliceStatusFlag" path="sliceStatusFlag/@value" type="long" direction="IN" expressionListDelimiter=","/>

    The Datamart Rollup job runs without error but the NBI_CLEAN_DATAMART_SP returned a lot of "0 rows affected".

    I've compared the settings for the V12 and V13 apps and they are the same. Project data is present in the system following the upgrade. I've googled around time slices but I'm not really sure what to do here. The Timeslice job runs without error as do other Java jobs. If I've forgotten any critical info, please let me know.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,


  • 2.  RE: V13.1 Datamart extraction failures

    Posted Dec 06, 2013 11:38 AM

    Hi again,

    I'm pretty new to this whole Clarity thing and we're in the process of upgrading from V12.0.4 to V13.1 through the prescribed upgrade path.

    Unfortunately, the Datamart Extraction job is failing. The initial lines of the error from the log are below...

    ERROR 2013-12-03 14:17:06,138 [Dispatch pool-4-thread-10 : bg@PIBAPPDV24 (tenant=clarity)] niku.blobcrack (clarity:admin:24843622__7B5590E8-5EA8-46B4-84EF-66BA11CB81B9:Time Slicing) Exception during blobcrack process
    SQL error code: 512
    Error message: [CA Clarity][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
    SQL error code: 3621
    Error message: [CA Clarity][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The statement has been terminated.
     update odf_ca_dpif_obj_prj_deliver set odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar = ? where odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar is null 
    Derived from statement:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <statement sortColumnPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortColumn" sortDirectionPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortDirection" slicePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@slice" sliceSizePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@sliceSize" inputSource="map" xmlns="">
      <sql dbVendor="all">
        <text>update odf_ca_dpif_obj_prj_deliver set odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar = ? where odf_ss_dpif_att_del_sdstar is null </text>
        <param name="sliceStatusFlag" path="sliceStatusFlag/@value" type="long" direction="IN" expressionListDelimiter=","/>

    The Datamart Rollup job runs without error but the NBI_CLEAN_DATAMART_SP returned a lot of "0 rows affected".

    I've compared the settings for the V12 and V13 apps and they are the same. Project data is present in the system following the upgrade. I've googled around time slices but I'm not really sure what to do here. The Timeslice job runs without error as do other Java jobs. If I've forgotten any critical info, please let me know.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,


    Hi All,

    Any ideas here for David?



  • 3.  RE: V13.1 Datamart extraction failures

    Posted Dec 09, 2013 11:59 PM

    Hello David,

    The log attached was truncated at the end. Can you please paste the log again with word wrapping?

    Can you also please check, which procedure calling is failing from the log and try to run it on the database, and see if you get the same message?

    Could be nbi_extract_sp().



  • 4.  RE: V13.1 Datamart extraction failures
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 11, 2013 06:27 PM

    Hi all,


    We found the problem. It actually had to do with some database accesses and permissions which had not carried across in the upgrade process.


    Thanks for your help. This is a great community especially for people like me.
