
  • 1.  Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    Posted May 10, 2011 07:20 PM
    Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    CA Clarity Tuesday Tip by Shawn Moore, Sr. Principal Support Engineer for 5/10/2011

    In this post, well look at a more realistic example and how the data goes from the source data (the parent object) to the slicing tables. We'll also start looking at some characteristics of slice tables as well.

    So how does that slice get into the slice table?

    Let's start by taking a look at an assignment table record example. I picked a record that had 8 hours in the practsum field. (the values in the practsum fields are multiplied by 3600 within the database, so 8 hours would show up as 28800) The practsum represents the sum of the actuals for the blob belonging to that assignment.

    Any time an update is made against this assignment, the slice_status field will be marked with a 1. A value of 1 means the object (the assignment) has been marked for reslicing.

    In Clarity if the assignment was updated (i.e. typically from posting or some activity from a scheduler), the slice status would be set by the application. For the sake of this discussion, we will manually force the value using the following update:

    update prassignment set slice_status = 1 where prid = 5054447

    Now that the assignment has been marked for reslicing, nothing will happen until the time slicing job runs. When time slicing runs it will process each parent object and perform all the slicing for that object. Since we have marked an assignment, the time slicing logic will reslice the data associated with an assignment (i.e. ETC, Actuals) for each of the requests defined in the PRJ_BLB_SLICEREQUESTS table. (Keep in mind a request is just a definition of how Clarity should represent the sliced data. i.e. we could define the request as representing the assignment data, sliced by week, starting on May 5th, 2011 for 52 weeks)

    Slicing activity will show up in the bg-niku.log as the bg server identifying what type of object based on a certain update. (In this case assignments were modified.) After identifying the statement used to find records for processing, Clarity will insert new slice values in batches of 1000.


    DEBUG 2011-05-10 15:24:23,827 [Dispatch Thread-18 : bg@myserver] niku.xql2 (none:none:none) PMD statementSetDescriptor: blobcrack.modifyAssignment_set
    DEBUG 2011-05-10 15:24:24,202 [Dispatch Thread-18 : bg@myserver] niku.xql2 (none:none:none) PMDRecordSet.singleRecordSet returned page # 0 page size 1000 total rows 1000

    In our example, we can look at the prj_blb_slices table to view some of the slices created.


    select id, slice_request_id, prj_object_id, slice_date, slice from prj_blb_slices where prj_object_id = 5054447

    The SQL query result would be:

    2010-MAR-03 00:00:00 8

    The fields are defined as follows:

    ID: This is the unique identifier for the record

    SLICE_REQUEST_ID: This ID corresponds to the ID of the request defined in the PRJ_BLB_SLICEREQUESTS table. This is the same data displayed on the UI in the slice definitions page.

    PRJ_OBJECT_ID: This ID represents the ID of the parent object that was sliced. Since this slice record was an assignment slice (SLICE_REQUEST_ID = 2), this would be the PRID of the record in the PRAssignment table.

    SLICE_DATE: This is the date the slice value or the "point" in the curve.

    SLICE: This is the actual value in hours.

    So for this example there were 8 hours tracked on March 3rd 2010, on the PRAssignment.prid of 5054447.

    Next week, we'll cover more on Time Slicing.


  • 2.  RE: Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    Posted May 11, 2011 12:10 PM
    Great Info!

    Thanks Shawn!


  • 3.  RE: Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    Posted May 13, 2011 10:38 AM
    Good info Shawn. Thank you.

    For the data in prassignment to reach prj_blb_slices is there any requirement such as
    -project status must be active or
    -resource status has to be something

    We use prj_blb_slices in our portlets extensively. But from time to time we run into wierd issue when data just does not update. Everything seems fine but the hours don't change. I am trying to come up with a check list of things that the team should check.

    For example, we fixed a recent issue by making a "dummy" change to the definition of the time slice. That deleted all the data for that slice and then the next run of time slicing captured everything again.

    Anyway, if there is a list of pre-requisites for the blob cracker to work, I would request your to include that in one of your posts.


  • 4.  RE: Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    Posted May 16, 2011 07:43 PM

    Time slicing will slice everything regardless of status (active or not). The main limiting factor is the slice ranges. Make sure your data falls within the range that starts with the from date and ends with by the number of periods after the from date. (i.e. if the number of periods is 100 and they are daily periods, then the end of the slice range would be 100 days after the from date)


  • 5.  RE: Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    Posted May 16, 2011 07:44 PM

    Time slicing will slice everything regardless of status (active or not). The main limiting factor is the slice ranges. Make sure your data falls within the range that starts with the from date and ends with by the number of periods after the from date. (i.e. if the number of periods is 100 and they are daily periods, then the end of the slice range would be 100 days after the from date)


    ps: as far as time slicing prerequisites, the best thing is to make sure you are on a later version of R12.x, since there were some issues I think in early release 12 as well as 8 with missing slices.

  • 6.  RE: Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    Posted May 16, 2011 07:45 AM
    Hi, Shawn.

    Nice info! I really enjoy your techie tips.

    I found that when defining time slices on my own custom objects (custom object, with its own time-scaled value attribute), the data does not go into PRJ_BLB_SLICES, but instead goes to custom tables, the name of which is stored in "TABLE_NAME" in PRJ_BLB_SLICEREQUESTS.
    TABLE_NAME is something like "ODF_SL_5059029", which I assume is based on the Slice definition's ID.

    Now, having dynamic table names does not really make querying them any easier, as you'd need to get the table name first, and then do a SELECT from a table whose name you retrieved dynamically. I expect that just putting "ODF_SL_5059029" into the SELECT statement would break when moving from DEV to TESTING and then to PRODUCTION, when slices have different IDs after deploying.

    Any tips for this? Are there any SPs or helpers in the Clarity implementation packages that we can use to access this data more elegantly?



  • 7.  RE: Title: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Time Slicing 101 - Part 2

    Posted May 16, 2011 07:52 PM
    I think I'll explain this in part 3. ;)
