
  • 1.  On prem Clarity 13 patch - how to

    Posted Sep 16, 2014 11:21 AM

    Tyring to apply a patch to our Clarity environment.  Reading the directions lead you to believe that you should extract to a temporary environement, then press play on the exe.  Doing this the command window indicats that the active Clarity directory is the temp directory, probably not correct.  Any suggestions.


    Once again, on Prem and Clarity.

  • 2.  Re: On prem Clarity 13 patch - how to

    Posted Sep 16, 2014 02:14 PM

    For v13.3 patch 8 the readme says





    1. Back up all files and the database on the target system.


    2. On NSA server, extract package installer jar into a temporary directory:

      jar xvf package.jar /clarity/temp


      jar xvf package.jar D:\clarity\temp


    2.Stop all local nsa, app and bg services (database and reports must stay running):

      service stop nsa app bg


    3. From temp directory, execute installer script and follow instructions on screen:




    4. Start all services:

      service start all


    which fairly simple and straightforward


    If you have a working live system you path and java_home variables should be properly set and you should not get any errors about those.

    Open the command prompt as the admin or at least as a user of the admin group before you start.

    If the Clarity folder the install script suggests is not correct then change it to the correct one and the same for all the suggestions the install script makes.

  • 3.  Re: On prem Clarity 13 patch - how to
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 17, 2014 10:15 AM

    With much thanks to urmas, recognition of some of my ignorance and a plea for CA to give better patch directions, this problem has been fixed.


    Some words of advice if anyone having a problem installing a patch on a windows server:

    1.  Be sure to run  the command window and the install.bat batch script as admin (thanks urmas)

    2.  Upon clicking the install.bat script, the command window reads that it will install the patch on the temporary directory that you extracted the jar file into.  This is how i read it.  Probably some my fault, but the command should read somehting like "Currently set to install here [temp directory].  To change the install location enter the path here:"  (my igonarance and could be made better by CA).

    3.  The extract script of "jar xvf package.jar /clarity/temp" is just wrong.  For windows it needs to read "jar xvf package.jar".  This will extracdt the jar file in the current temp direcotry the jar file resides.  (CA needs to fix for windows)


    Once agian thanks for the info and hopefully CA can take some of this into dicsussion.  Hopefully this post helps at least one of my fellow Clarity bretheren.