DX NetOps

  • 1.  Tech Tip: How to enable the short alarm id in Spectrum OneClick

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Nov 05, 2014 04:18 PM

    Title: How to enable the short alarm id in Spectrum OneClick


    CA Spectrum Tech Tip by Bill Wolforth, Senior Support Engineer



    It may be necessary for debugging SANM filtering issues with AlarmNotifier how you can show the short (integer) alarm id in OneClick in order to correlate the SANM debug with OneClick.


    Copy the XML lines below to the text editor of your choice and save as alarm-table-config.xml to $SPECROOT/custom/alarm/config directory.

    If the $SPECROOT/custom/alarm folders do not exist you can create them before placing this file in that location.

    Launch a new OneClick Client and you will see the "Integer Alarm ID" in your alarms column.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <table idref="alarm-table-config">



    <name>Integer Alarm ID</name>







  • 2.  Re: Tech Tip: How to enable the short alarm id in Spectrum OneClick

    Posted Feb 10, 2015 07:28 AM

    I have created the alarm-table-config.xml and I can now see the 'Integer Alarm ID' in OneClick. I also want to retrieve the 'Integer Alarm ID' with the Web Services API but no success so far. I tried: https://spectrum:443/spectrum/restful/alarms?attr=0x11f9c&attr=0x10000&attr=0x4820067 but that didn't work (<attribute id="0x4820067" error="NoSuchAttribute"/>) . Any Idea how I can retrieve the 'Integer Alarm ID' with the Web Services API?





  • 3.  Re: Tech Tip: How to enable the short alarm id in Spectrum OneClick

    Posted Feb 18, 2015 08:53 AM

    I contacted support for this question and received the following answer:


    What you are asking for cannot be obtained through restful API call. The integer alarm id is a dynamic attribute that is actually not defined in the Spectrum database like the other attributes. AlarmID is extracted from global alarm ID. It is a combination of the last three characters from the third field and the second field. Then we convert this hex value to decimal. There is no internal attribute you can use to provide the AlarmID in the Alarm Tab at this time.


    So what you can do is:

    1) use the restful API to get the list of alarm id.

    2) copy the list in a file

    3) write a script or program that extract the "last three characters from the third field and the second field" and convert it in decimal.




    alarm id                                                           hex                             integer alarm id

    ----------                                                            ------------                       ---------------------

    54bc9cc-641f-1002-033d-b8ac6f912586              002641f                       156703

    54cf9205-20b4-100b-028f-b8ac6f912586             00b20b4                      729268

    4cf934c-20fd-100b-028f-b8ac6f912586                00b20fd                       729341