DX Application Performance Management

Re: RE: Auto Tracing using PersistentTransactionTracerConfiguration.xml

  • 1.  Re: RE: Auto Tracing using PersistentTransactionTracerConfiguration.xml

    Posted Jan 19, 2015 12:43 PM
      |   view attached



    We have a requirement where the auto TT should start tracing when a service exceeds it's SLA response time.


    Referring to the PersistentTransactioTrace.xml shared originaly by BenMunn.I have created the attached XML attcahed below.

    It seems not be working as expected - when i trigger 'ProductHoldingPensionService' service the response time was 309 milisec but I could se th eTT had been captured but as per as the XML if the response time exceeds 500 milisec then the TT should strat tracing/recording.


    Additionally i could see TTs for JMS queue/Backends and other processes are also recorded but how do i filter out all those?



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

    <PersistentTracerConfiguration xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.ca.com/schemas/apm/introscope/">

    <TraceSession agentExpression=".*" enabled="true">

    <!-- capture traces for the specified URL (operationType of "2" means it ends with) -->





    <ParameterFilter parameterName="URL" parameterValue="fund-service-v3/Fund_V3" operationType="2"/>

    <ThresholdFilter thresholdInMillis="100"/>




    <ParameterFilter parameterName="URL" parameterValue="product-holding-pension-service-v1/ProductHoldingPensionService" operationType="2"/>

    <ThresholdFilter thresholdInMillis="500"/>






    <ParameterFilter parameterName="URL" parameterValue="webs-database-service-v2/WebsDatabase_V2" operationType="2"/>

    <ThresholdFilter thresholdInMillis="50"/>








