Plex 2E

  • 1.  Unbound Results set with GridView in ASP.NET

    Posted Feb 20, 2015 04:56 PM

    As a newbie to ASP C# maybe more of a ASP.NET Question that strictly plex - but trying to build the Data grid on an ASP Page with building Hyper links based on the row data -


    the Example provided with plex is a good but simple Example but Binds the whole String array (Fetched Data) to the Grid  - Need to get more creatinve when 'Loading/Binding' the grid to the data response to give links/buttons to send to another page to process..

    has anyone got any better examples of using the resultset in the output back to the Grid?


    I will continue my training/research of ASP but just hopeful that someone is further along with this or has developed any better examples

  • 2.  Re: Unbound Results set with GridView in ASP.NET

    Posted Feb 23, 2015 12:24 PM

    Anybody able to assist Wayne with his question?


    Thank you

  • 3.  Re: Unbound Results set with GridView in ASP.NET

    Posted Feb 25, 2015 12:16 AM

    Hi Wayne - One method is to have a temporary array and based on the instances fetched, unwind the 'Fetched data' array and set to the temp array. The temp array can be then bind to the data grid. Also, enable the pagination.

    For this to work, the Fetched Data array size should be a big number and this method is not going to work if there are huge number of records in table.

    Have a look at

    I am also trying to find a solution for this.. I presume you are using WCF service to call the blockfetch function?





  • 4.  Re: Unbound Results set with GridView in ASP.NET

    Posted Feb 25, 2015 10:04 AM

    I am actually just using the Plex Runtime (ObUserApi)  to call the Blockfetch  - although I have also been testing withth WCF to do the same  -


    The Pagination and population of the Gridview Data is the same issue - controlling the Binding or build it Unbound 

    we have been spoilt with Plex doing that work on the Thick Client Side - !


    Websydian also manages to do this pagination within  the plex functions to build the HTML but would be good to create a Base 'Pattern' VS website to use ..the C# ASP model