DX Application Performance Management

Tuesday Tip - CA MAA: How to Leverage MAA's "Compare" Console Feature

  • 1.  Tuesday Tip - CA MAA: How to Leverage MAA's "Compare" Console Feature

    Posted Apr 14, 2015 02:09 PM

    CA Mobile Application Analytics (MAA) Tuesday Tip by Bryan Whitmarsh, Sr Principal Technical Consultant for Tuesday, April 14, 2015


    The "Compare" feature within the CA MAA Console is often overlooked but provides VERY useful Analytics information. There are a number of ways it can be used to extract Analytics comparing variables such as the impact of different network carriers on your application usability, how your application compares from one mobile platform to another (e.g iOS vs. Android), or how usage differs in different parts of the world. In this example I will show you how to compare one version of your application to another.


    The hope when releasing an updated version of your mobile application is that the new version will improve overall usability, either by increasing performance, reducing application crashes, etc. But this isn’t always the case and many times it is unknown if any improvements have been achieved with the updated version. CA MAA’s “Compare” feature allows you to see quantitative analytics proving that the updated version has or hasn’t improved the overall usability of your mobile application.


    Start by logging into the CA MAA Console

    Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 11.48.39 AM.png

    On the left hand side menu bar, click on “COMPARE”


    Now click on “+ Add Filter” -> Select your specific Application, Platform, and Version -> Click Apply


    Repeat the above step selecting a different version of the same app on the same platform

    Optional: Remove the “All” filter

    Note: You may need to increase the Days filter to see session data from older version of your application


    Now Compare the Analytics…


    Oops, looks like the 15.1 version of TIXCHANGE Android mobile application actually increased "Average Request Latency", back to the drawing board development team...