Symantec IGA

Calling a SiteMinder protected TEWS via RHINO JS - Kettle Code

  • 1.  Calling a SiteMinder protected TEWS via RHINO JS - Kettle Code

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 21, 2015 03:30 PM

    Hi All


    I spent the last week working on a method to submit SOAP envelopes to TEWS using RHINO


    My use case was very simple:


    1. Using a kettle script, obtain all failed events from the CAIM TP (task finished with status 2),
    2. Write the task session to a staging table.
    3. Try to resubmit the task using VST TEWS call


    Now, although there is a built in http post component in kettle, it doesn’t work where SM is protecting the TEWS interface


    And yes I could have used  Java but what is the fun with that


    The attach RHINO code can, with some adaptation, can be used in CAIM screens as well


    Please let me know if you have more questions

    // Tews Client using RHINO in Kettle Script

    // Itamar Budin -

    // 2015 CA Technologies

    // Note: Tested in Kettle 5.3.0 only!!!!


    /* Part 1: Create SOAP XML message - In this Example resubmit task

    Sample XML Message:

    <xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsdl="http://tews6/wsdl">














    var SOAPMsg = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"  +

       "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='' xmlns:wsdl='http://tews6/wsdl'>" +

       "<soapenv:Header/>" +

       "<soapenv:Body>" +

       "<wsdl:ViewSubmittedTasksQuery>" +

            "<wsdl:ViewSubmittedTasksSubmittedTasksTab>" +

                "<wsdl:TaskDetails>" +

                    "<wsdl:TaskId>" + TASKSESSIONID + "</wsdl:TaskId>" + // TASKSESSIONID is a variable retrieved from the CAIM object Store

                    "<wsdl:ResubmitTask>true</wsdl:ResubmitTask>" +

                "</wsdl:TaskDetails>" +

            "</wsdl:ViewSubmittedTasksSubmittedTasksTab>" +

        "</wsdl:ViewSubmittedTasksQuery>" +

       "</soapenv:Body>" +




    // Part 2: Authentication Variables Declaration

    // Note 1: We use literal java.lang.string() to create attributes to avoid conversion issues

    // Note 2: This example was used on an environment where SM is protecting the TEWS interface


    var message = new java.lang.String(); // Will hold the user and password for basic authentication

    message = "<username:password>";

    var bytes = [];

    for (var i=0;i<message.length;++i) // Converting the message sting to byte using string array (no Byte data element in Rhino)




    var base64 = new org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64();

    var encoding = base64.encodeAsString(bytes); // Encoding the username and password to base64 (Basic authentication requirement)


    var cookie = new java.lang.String(); // Will hold the cookie value to make SM challenge the connection to avoid 401/403 erros

    cookie = "SMCHALLENGE=YES";


    // Part 3: establishing connection

    var url = new"<TEWS Address"); // Enter the TEWS URL without the ?WSDL

    var connection =; //Open Connection


    connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookie); // Adding the cookie

    connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding); // Set authentication method to basic and passing the base64 encoded username and password

    connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // No cache




    connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8");


    // Part 4: Passing the SOAP XML envelope 

    var out = new;

    out.write(SOAPMsg);    // Submit


    var returnCode = connection.getResponseCode(); // Get Return Code from the call


    // Part 5: Read input stream from the call


    var br = new;

    var response = "";

    var line = br.readLine();

    while(line != null){

        response = response + line;

        line = br.readLine();



    // Part 6: Close the connection
