
  • 1.  XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput

    Posted Dec 15, 2015 03:04 AM



    I'v created a .NET interface using webservice with PPM 14.3. It works fine but I would like to handle issues.

    Currently I do not get the XOGOutput tag back in fact nothing at all which is very difficult to handle possible errors.


    Created a .NET project add the webreference.

    It works transactions are xogged, but no result is returned:


    .NET Code



                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();




                XOGALL.Auth objAuth = new XOGALL.Auth();

                XOGALL.Login loginXOG = new XOGALL.Login();

                loginXOG.TenantID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SoapMethod"];

                loginXOG.Username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SoapUserId"];

                loginXOG.Password = ph.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SoapPassword"].ToString()).ToString();

                XOGALL.AllObjectsPortClient tranReq = new XOGALL.AllObjectsPortClient();




                    objAuth.Username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SoapUserId"];

                    objAuth.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SoapPassword"];


                    if (sessionid == "")


                        sessionid = tranReq.Login(loginXOG);

                        objAuth.SessionID = sessionid;




                   XmlElement XOGOutput;

                    XOGOutput = tranReq.WriteTransaction(objAuth, doc.DocumentElement);

                  -- The XOGOutput is always null !!!! ;-(






    kind regards,




    Message was edited by: Elwin van BOMMEL

  • 2.  Re: XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput

    Posted Dec 28, 2015 01:09 PM

    What I find interesting is that on my 14.3 system the WriteTransaction doesn’t have a method signature like this: (objAuth, doc.DocumentElement);



    I attached the AuthValue in a CaLogin function within a Helper class.


    public Boolean CaLogin()
        var clarityAllOjbectsUri = new UriBuilder(ObjectsService.Url)
                Host = HostName
            ObjectsService.Url = clarityAllOjbectsUri.ToString();
            var login = new ClarityAllObjects.Login {Username = UserName, Password = Password};
            var auth = new ClarityAllObjects.Auth {SessionID = ObjectsService.Login(login)};
            ObjectsService.AuthValue = auth;
            if (auth.SessionID.IsNullOrEmpty())
                NLogger.Error("Unable to login to {0} using {1}", HostName, UserName);
        catch (Exception ex)
            NLogger.Error("Unable to login to {0} using {1}", HostName, UserName);
        IsLoggedIn = true;
        return IsLoggedIn;


    This I then build up my soap document in an object / serialize and pull off the root element for the input to one of the  AllObjects methods.


    var xog = NewNikuBus(instanceType.objectCode);
        var controlObject = QueryControlCode(instanceType, spisLookupRecord);
        if (controlObject == null)
            xog.Header.args = new List<args> { new args { name = "overrideAutoNumbering", value = "false" } };
            instanceType.instanceCode = controlObject.code;
            var code = instanceType.CustomInformation.ColumnValue.Find(x =>"code", true));
            if (code != null) code.Value = controlObject.code;
        xog.XOGOutput = null;
        var xogString = xog.SerializeObject();
        var writeCustomObject = GetElement(xogString);
        var responseElement = ObjectsService.WriteCustomObjectInstance(writeCustomObject);
        var responseCustom = GetCustomInstanceResponse(responseElement);
        if (responseCustom.Statistics.failureRecords != 0)
            return false;



    Where GetCustomInstanceResponse looks like this:


    private static XOGOutput GetCustomInstanceResponse(XmlNode responseWriteCustomObject)
        XOGOutput retVal = null;
            retVal = XOGOutput.Deserialize(responseWriteCustomObject.OuterXml);
        catch (Exception ex)
        return retVal;

    Do you have an overloaded method?




  • 3.  Re: XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput

    Posted Dec 28, 2015 02:31 PM

    I'm not sure what is going on with your proxy classes, this also comes from 14.3 and seems correct:


  • 4.  Re: XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput

    Posted Dec 28, 2015 04:38 PM

    Here is my system version which is an OnDemand system.



    So are you adding the reference as a service reference or a web reference?  I have mine as a web reference.  I suspect you are using wcf.







  • 5.  Re: XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput

    Posted Dec 28, 2015 05:21 PM

    Yes, as a Service Reference - just as a first preference and I believe either approach is just as correct to use for Clarity's purposes.

  • 6.  Re: XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput

    Posted Dec 28, 2015 02:26 PM

    I have near-identical code that works for me.


    Key differences:

    1) I do not set the TenantID property.  You aren't in a multi-tenant environment (nobody is at this time).

    2) I do not re-include the username/password into the objAuth instance, I store only the session ID in it.  Whilst not necessarily critical, it might save on unnecessary additional sessions being created.

    3) I didn't use 'transaction write' since my system wasn't ready to receive that request, so I went with a 'project read' test instead.


    Things to check:

    1) Does your XOG user have permissions to call transaction XOG actions?  E.g. "Transaction - XOG Access" rights?

    2) What was the contents of your soapMessage variable, and did this content work directly with the XOG client using the same username/password?

    3) How about with a tool like SoapUI, and if so, what was the full response received from the WriteTransaction call?

    4) Is the SOAP endpoint address defined correctly when you go to http[s]://yourserver[:port]/niku/wsdl/Object/AllObjects and does it correctly look like http[s]://yourserver[:port]/niku/xog ?



    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xml;

    namespace xogoutput
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                String soapMessage = @"<NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="""" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"">
      <Header version=""6.0.11"" action=""read"" objectType=""project"" externalSource=""NIKU"">
        <!-- you change the order by simply swap 1 and 2 number in the name attribute -->
        <args name=""order_by_1"" value=""name""/>
        <args name=""order_by_2"" value=""projectID""/>
        <args name=""include_tasks"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_dependencies"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_subprojects"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_resources"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_baselines"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_allocations"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_estimates"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_actuals"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_custom"" value=""true""/>
        <args name=""include_burdening"" value=""false""/>
          <Filter name=""projectID"" criteria=""EQUALS"">cf1</Filter>


                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


                XOGALL.Auth objAuth = new XOGALL.Auth();
                XOGALL.Login loginXOG = new XOGALL.Login();


                loginXOG.Username = "admin";
                loginXOG.Password = "admin";


                XOGALL.AllObjectsPortClient tranReq = new XOGALL.AllObjectsPortClient();
                objAuth.SessionID = tranReq.Login(loginXOG);


                System.Console.WriteLine("Login session ID returned: " + objAuth.SessionID);


                if (objAuth.SessionID != null && !objAuth.Equals(""))
                    XmlElement x = tranReq.ReadProject(objAuth, doc.DocumentElement);
                    catch (System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException e)
                        // Happens during logout since a valid http response was provided but none was expected
                        // Reference:






    My console project just contained a Service Reference to my http://server/niku/wsdl/Object/AllObjects as 'XOGALL' (presumably the same as yours does), the rest is all above.

  • 7.  Re: XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput

    Posted Jan 04, 2016 02:58 AM



    Back from holiday, In reaction of your questions:


    Key differences:

    1) I do not set the TenantID property.  You aren't in a multi-tenant environment (nobody is at this time). --> removed no result

    2) I do not re-include the username/password into the objAuth instance, I store only the session ID in it.  Whilst not necessarily critical, it might save on unnecessary additional sessions being created. --> removed no result

    3) I didn't use 'transaction write' since my system wasn't ready to receive that request, so I went with a 'project read' test instead.


    Things to check:

    1) Does your XOG user have permissions to call transaction XOG actions?  E.g. "Transaction - XOG Access" rights? --> All rights, so no issues regarding authorisation

    2) What was the contents of your soapMessage variable, and did this content work directly with the XOG client using the same username/password? --> via cmd line no issues, with same soapMessage, got the xogoutput back.

    3) How about with a tool like SoapUI, and if so, what was the full response received from the WriteTransaction call? --> works fine via SOAP UI get a result back.

    4) Is the SOAP endpoint address defined correctly when you go to http[s]://yourserver[:port]/niku/wsdl/Object/AllObjects and does it correctly look like http[s]://yourserver[:port]/niku/xog ? --> yes, it works all fine only no xogOutput.


    Regarding Reference, I got both working with service and web reference but both no XOGOutput. The transactions are xogged in but no output via Dotnet via otherways I get the output.



    I Rebuild the example and the readworks, and the write for resources also:



                String soapMessage = @"<NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="""" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"">

      <Header version=""6.0.11"" action=""read"" objectType=""project"" externalSource=""NIKU"">

        <!-- you change the order by simply swap 1 and 2 number in the name attribute -->

        <args name=""order_by_1"" value=""name""/>

        <args name=""order_by_2"" value=""projectID""/>

        <args name=""include_tasks"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_dependencies"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_subprojects"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_resources"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_baselines"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_allocations"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_estimates"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_actuals"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_custom"" value=""true""/>

        <args name=""include_burdening"" value=""false""/>



          <Filter name=""projectID"" criteria=""EQUALS"">cf1</Filter>





                String soapMessage1 = @"<NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="""" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"">

      <Header version=""6.0.11"" action=""write"" objectType=""resource"" externalSource=""NIKU"">



          <Resource entityCode=""entity"" externalId="" "" includeInDatamart=""true"" isActive=""true"" isExternal=""false"" resourceId=""EXP_08"" resourceType=""EXPENSE"">





                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();



                XOGALL.Auth objAuth = new XOGALL.Auth();

                XOGALL.Login loginXOG = new XOGALL.Login();


                loginXOG.Username = "admin";

                loginXOG.Password = "admin";


                XOGALL.AllObjectsPortClient tranReq = new XOGALL.AllObjectsPortClient();

                objAuth.SessionID = tranReq.Login(loginXOG);


                System.Console.WriteLine("Login session ID returned: " + objAuth.SessionID);


                if (objAuth.SessionID != null && !objAuth.Equals(""))


                    XmlElement x = tranReq.WriteResource(objAuth, doc.DocumentElement);






                    catch (System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException e)


                        // Happens during logout since a valid http response was provided but none was expected

                        // Reference:





  • 8.  Re: XOG .NET interface retrieve the XOGOutput
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 04, 2016 04:43 AM

    SOLVED, :-)


    I reused an XSLT, and the xog went well as mentioned before but due some tags it blocks the results part of the XOG.


    I changed my xslt and removed the tags:

      <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">


            <NikuDataBus xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_transaction.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">


    Thanks for the input!