DX Unified Infrastructure Management

  • 1.  Error with the mysql replication mecanism with CA UIM 8.4

    Posted Aug 26, 2016 06:04 AM

    Hi ^^
    I've setup UIM (8.4) on a MySQL replcation between two hosts Cent OS 7 with MySQL 5.6 Enterprise.

    I've followed the prerequies and create a database with the charset utf8 and the collation utf8_unicode_ci.

    But, at the end of the installation, when the MySQL Replication mecanism try to put the data in the slave, the sql_mode failed on a request with a "START OF HEADING" character (\x01).

    As follow, an extraction of the error log :


    [ERROR] Slave SQL: Error 'Incorrect integer value: '\x01' for column 'is_class' at row 1' on query. Default database: 'uim'. Query: 'insert into `cfg_package_extension` (`pkg_id`, `is_class`, `name`, `data`) values ( NAME_CONST('pPkgId',1),  NAME_CONST('pIsClass',_binary'' COLLATE 'binary'),  NAME_CONST('pName',_utf8'com.nimsoft.config.plugin.cdmPlugin' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci'),  NAME_CONST('pData',_binary' ....


    If someone have already encounter this problem ?

  • 2.  Re: Error with the mysql replication mecanism with CA UIM 8.4

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 26, 2016 08:33 AM

    Looks like this might be a MYsql bug

    MySQL Bugs: #71397: Replicated slave stops replicating with Error_code: 1366 


    I would have your DBA check with MySql support to help resolve this.

  • 3.  Re: Error with the mysql replication mecanism with CA UIM 8.4

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 26, 2016 12:18 PM

  • 4.  Re: Error with the mysql replication mecanism with CA UIM 8.4

    Posted Aug 30, 2016 04:29 AM


    It's exactly the bug encounter on my servers ... but, this bug not appear to be fixed yet ?

    It's possible to use the MySQL Replication with CA UIM 8.4 ??

    ... because, It's impossible to fix this issue with parameters at the MySQL side ...




  • 5.  Re: Error with the mysql replication mecanism with CA UIM 8.4

    Posted Dec 21, 2016 08:11 AM


    For information and to realized an experience return :

    To bypass this defect of MySQL (Oracle) I use a Percona solution for my database.

    But, for some reasons, my MySQL configuration is in Master / Master mode. To avoid the problems of duplicated values/tables (...) I use this code error list to be skip by the slave :
    slave-skip-errors = 1007, 1008, 1022, 1032, 1050, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1066, 1068, 1082, 1086, 1088, 1366

    I attach to this post, for information, my MySQL configuration file.


    Best regards,



    (virtual servers, VMDK storage on no-dedicated fiber channel, 8 CPUs, 16GB of Physical Memory)


    # CLIENT #
    port                           = 3306
    socket                         = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


     GENERAL #
    user                           = mysql
    default-storage-engine         = InnoDB
    socket                         = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
    pid-file                       = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.pid
    server-id                      = {{ ca_uim_mysql_server_id }}
    lower_case_table_names         = 1

    # MyISAM #
    key-buffer-size                = 32M
    myisam-recover                 = FORCE,BACKUP

    # SAFETY #
    max-allowed-packet             = 16M
    max-connect-errors             = 1000000
    sysdate-is-now                 = 1
    innodb                         = FORCE

    datadir                        = /var/lib/mysql/

    local_infile                   = ON
    binlog_format                  = MIXED
    log-bin                        = /var/lib/mysql/log/mysql-bin
    expire-logs-days               = 14
    sync-binlog                    = 1
    log-bin-trust-function-creators= 1
    binlog-do-db                   = ca_uim
    binlog-do-db                   = ca_ur

    slave-skip-errors              = 1007,1008,1022,1032,1050,1060,1061,1062,1066,1068,1082,1086,1088,1366
    log-slave-updates              = 1
    relay-log                      = /var/lib/mysql/log/relay-bin
    slave-net-timeout              = 60
    sync-master-info               = 1
    sync-relay-log                 = 1
    sync-relay-log-info            = 1
    replicate-do-db                = ca_uim
    replicate-do-db                = ca_ur

    tmp-table-size                 = 32M
    max-heap-table-size            = 32M
    query-cache-type               = 0
    query-cache-size               = 0
    max-connections                = 500
    thread-cache-size              = 50
    open-files-limit               = 65535
    table-definition-cache         = 4096
    table-open-cache               = 4096

    # INNODB #
    innodb-flush-method            = O_DIRECT
    innodb-log-files-in-group      = 2
    innodb-log-file-size           = 256M
    innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit = 1
    innodb-file-per-table          = 1
    innodb-buffer-pool-size        = 6G

    # LOGGING #
    log-error                      = /var/lib/mysql/log/mysql-error.log
    log-queries-not-using-indexes  = 1
    slow-query-log                 = 1
    slow-query-log-file            = /var/lib/mysql/log/mysql-slow.log