Non-Pattern Masking RMF support dropped in CA-TLMS 14.0

  • 1.  Non-Pattern Masking RMF support dropped in CA-TLMS 14.0

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 07, 2016 12:51 PM

    CA TLMS Tape Library Management System Version 14.0 removes support for the old Initialize and update RMF utilities (TLMSRMGM, TLMSRMUP, TLMSRMUT, and PROC CATRMFU).


    The functionality is replaced by two new members found in your.CTAPPROC. CATRMFI and CATRMFE executing TLMSRMFE. CATRMFI initializes the RMF and CATRMFE updates to the RMF.


    The new utility has been available since Version 11.5. If you have not already converted your existing RMF and plan to use the existing RMF in 14.0, convert before doing any updates to the RMF.