DX Unified Infrastructure Management

  • 1.  How can I monitor send sendquick alert plus and its modem

    Posted Jan 12, 2017 02:22 AM

    Currently I am only using net_connet to ping sendquick alert plus.

    I need help on how to monitor sendquick alert plus and its usb connected modem.


    Update : monitor send sendquick alert plus and its modem


    Below are the probes and tools I set to monitor sendquick alert plus 

    Use net_connet to monitor services port of sendquick alert plus every 15 min.

    Use window task scheduler to run a batch file repeatedly every 15 min.

    Batch will login sendquick alert plus to download the modem status page genetrated  html.

    Batch files will run below commands:


    curl.exe --cookie-jar sendquickCookie -d mode="applogin" -d userid="admin" -d password="mypassword" http://sendquick/cmd/system/www/index.cgi?


    curl.exe --cookie sendquickCookie  http://sendquick/cmd/system/www/msgroute.cgi?mode=mdstat > Modemstatus.html


    Logmon will use cat mode to search for existence of telecom operator or gateway 504 error value in the html file to generate alarms every 15 min.


    Dirscan will monitor the html file age is not more than 30 mins to ensure html file is overwritten within 30 mins.


    Update: monitor send sendquick alert plus and its modem Dec 2018.


    For SendQuick version release 2015 and above.

    I have change the curl command as it is php previously was using cgi.


    ----- Curl login to sendquick test ---

    Curl --cookie-jar sendquickCookie  -X POST -H "X-Request-With: XMLHttpRequest" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" -H "Referer: http://SendQuick/appliance/index.php" -H "Accept: application/Jason, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01" -d "userid=admin&password=mypassword&mode=login" http://SendQuick/appliance/login_lib.php > LoginSendQuick.txt


    Return Data : {"flag":1,"msg":"dashboard.php"}


    ----- Curl get modem status from sendquick test ---
    Curl -L --cookie sendquickCookie  -H "Referer: http://SendQuick/appliance/dashboard.php" -H "X-Request-With: XMLHttpRequest"  http://SendQuick/appliance/modem_lib.php?mode=view > ModemSendQuick.txt


    Return Data {"data":[["Localhost","IMIEXXX (Idle)",""Modem Diver Name","SMSC number", "Operator Info", "",<img src=\"images\/3g-signal-sign.png\"><img src=\"\/images\/health3.gif\">"]]}


    I have also tried with jdbc_resposne probe with below query

    Set the sendquick permission for database and password on the SendQuick

        Refer to : Talariax | SMS Appliances for Enterprise Messaging  user manual

        Note: Sendquick databse name is spooldb and database username is smsapp as stated in offical documents
    Provide the connection URL and credentials and drivers
    Use Query SELECT * FROM modem_status

    Returns Data : ... Modem IMIE, Modem Info, SMSC, Operator Info ...


    Using sysloggtw

    On sendquick set the IP of the sysloggtw as the Syslog Server



    Return some log activities of  modem status or login






  • 2.  Re: How can I monitor send sendquick alert plus and its modem

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jan 12, 2017 08:27 AM

    you should probably check with the vendor on how this can be done. SNMP, Logs, event logs..

    We would need to know how we can connect to get this information from the device.

    If one of the above is not an option this will not be able to be done without something custom as we do not currently

    have a dedicated probe for this.

  • 3.  Re: How can I monitor send sendquick alert plus and its modem

    Posted Jan 13, 2017 01:57 AM

    Hi Gene,


    These sendquick is only providing service to another windows server.

    I just want to monitor the http packets by the curl.exe executed from the windows server to the sendquick.

    As the curl.exe seem to complete its http post but no sure why it did not receive from the sendquick log at peak hours only.

    I just want to know is application failure or packet drops.

  • 4.  Re: How can I monitor send sendquick alert plus and its modem

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jan 13, 2017 11:02 AM

    Ok so there are a couple of ways for ward you cold test.

    Since this is HTTP traffic you are testing with curl you could try some of the following

    1) net_connect to test if the port is avialable

    2) possibly url_response probe checking the http traffic

    3) if your are using curl I would assume you are using some type of script. You could log results and errors to a file and use logmon to monitor that file and alert as needed.


    hope this helps