
  • 1.  Determining which process generated an action item and who took action on the action item ?

    Posted Mar 29, 2017 02:58 PM

    Hi All, 


    I am trying to find the names of the timesheet approver who approved a timesheet.


    We are using a custom process, which sends an action item to a resource manager and a proxy RM(if set) and then sets a timesheet status and if it is approved then the approved-by will show -process_admin. This is where the problem begins- from there I am not able to find the action items generated by this process, for whom were they created and for whom were they assigned to. 


    I tried researching the CAL_ACTION_ITEM_ASSIGNEES and CAL_ACTION_ITEMS tables, but I found nothing useful which I can use to fetch the information which I need. I could only make out that every process instance runs with a unique id and each process creates a unique action item. Bottom line- basically no join condition which i was able to find, or unique identifier which even identifies the custom process.


    If anyone can provide me some information/tips on how can I achieve the above-stated, it will be highly helpful. 



    Siddharth Chawla.  

  • 2.  Re: Determining which process generated an action item and who took action on the action item ?

    Posted Mar 30, 2017 12:54 AM

    Have you checked this?


    How to Capture Each Approved Action Item in a Process 



  • 3.  Re: Determining which process generated an action item and who took action on the action item ?

    Posted Mar 30, 2017 03:04 AM

    To get the Process that triggered the Action Item, the join would be BPM_RUN_PROCESSES.ID = CAL_ACTION_ITEMS.OBJECT_ID.


    To determine who took action on it, the join would be CAL_ACTION_ITEMS_ASSIGNEES.ASSIGNEE_ID = SRM_RESOURCES.USER_ID


    You would ofcourse need to join CAL_ACTION_ITMES and CAL_ACTION_ITEMS_ASSIGNEES on their IDs as well.

  • 4.  Re: Determining which process generated an action item and who took action on the action item ?

    Posted Apr 18, 2017 05:23 AM


    I have created a sql written for orcale environment, might be os some help.


    Select||asgn.assignee_id unique_id,
    bdp.process_code process_id,
    bds.step_code step_id,
    bdsa.action_code action_id,
    asgn.assignee_id ai_user_dbid,
    res.unique_name ai_user_id,
    res.full_name ai_user_name, ai_user_email, ai_dbid,
    ai.created_date ai_created_date,
    LISTAGG(usr_nt.note, '; ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY||asgn.assignee_id) OVER (PARTITION BY||asgn.assignee_id ) ai_comment,
    asgn.status_code status_code,
    Case when asgn.status_code='CAL_CLOSED' then ar_run.ai_status_code else asgn.status_code end ai_status,
    ai.due_date ai_due_date
    bpm_run_processes rp
    inner join bpm_def_process_versions bdpv on
    inner join bpm_def_processes bdp on -- and bdp.process_code in (?)
    inner join bpm_run_steps rs on
    inner join bpm_def_steps bds on
    inner join bpm_run_step_action_results ar on
    inner join bpm_def_step_actions bdsa on ar.step_action_id
    inner join cal_action_items ai on ai.process_handler_id
    inner join cal_action_item_assignees asgn ON = asgn.cal_action_item_id --and asgn.status_code='CAL_OPEN'
    inner join srm_resources res on res.user_id=asgn.assignee_id
    inner join bpm_run_assignees ar_run on and ar_run.table_name='BPM_RUN_STEP_ACTION_RESULTS' and ar_run.user_id=asgn.assignee_id
    left outer join BPM_RUN_ASSIGNEE_NOTES usr_nt on
    inner join bpm_run_objects obj on and obj.Table_name='BPM_RUN_PROCESSES'



    Prashank Singh