
  • 1.  PROCESS ERROR: ERROR: null: 82: 58:

    Posted May 24, 2017 06:30 AM

    I have a problem with a process that produces an error.
    The error generated is as follows: ERROR: null: 82: 58: <soap: invoke> Failed to send a SOAP message generated to 'https // 1552 / niku / xog'.HTTP Error: Status- Code: 403: Forbidden.
    I have launched other processes with the same parameters and they work perfectly. I do not know why this error is due.
    I attach the piece of code embedded in the <soap: invoke> tag:

    <Soap: invoke endpoint = "$ {url} / niku / xog" var = "auth">
                <Soap: message>
                    <Soapenv: Envelope xmlns: soapenv = "" xmlns: xog = "">
                        <Soapenv: Header />
                        <Soapenv: Body>
                            <Xog: Login>
                                <Xog: Username> $ {xog_user} </ xog: Username>
                                <Xog: Password> $ {xog_password} </ xog: Password>
                            </ Xog: Login>
                        </ Soapenv: Body>
                    </ Soapenv: Envelope>
                </ Soap: message>
            </ Soap: invoke>
            <! - We get the Session ID ->
            <Gel: set asString = "true" select = "$ auth / soapenv: Envelope / soapenv: Body / xog: SessionID / text ()" var = "sessionID" />
            <! - We invoke XOG and pass the generated XML "v_xml_root" ->
            <Soap: invoke endpoint = "$ {url} / niku / xog" var = "result">
                <Soap: message>
                    <Soapenv: Envelope xmlns: soapenv = "" xmlns: xog = "">
                        <Soapenv: Header>
                            <Xog: Auth>
                                 <Xog: SessionID> $ {sessionID} </ xog: SessionID>
                            </ Xog: Auth>
                        </ Soapenv: Header>
                        <Soapenv: Body>
                            <Gel: include select = "$ v_xml_root" />
                        </ Soapenv: Body>
                    </ Soapenv: Envelope>
                </ Soap: message>
            </ Soap: invoke>

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • 2.  Re: PROCESS ERROR: ERROR: null: 82: 58:

    Posted May 24, 2017 07:55 AM


    first I would recommend you to remove blank spaces from invoke action: <Soap: invoke endpoint = "$ {url} / niku / xog" var = "auth"> (endpoint part within double quotes) . If it will not help you then I would check settings of tomcat configuration if some setting is not set differently, I mean filter definition might securing more then it should be.


  • 3.  Re: PROCESS ERROR: ERROR: null: 82: 58:
    Best Answer

    Posted May 24, 2017 08:01 AM

    Fixed, I have mistaken the tags in the writing XOG.
    I have set:
        </ idea>
    </ ideas>

    The correct way is:
        </ Idea>
    </ Ideas>

    The ideas i are written in capital letters. Forgive, I'm ashamed.

  • 4.  Re: PROCESS ERROR: ERROR: null: 82: 58:

    Posted May 24, 2017 10:23 AM

    Try using an IP address on your endpoint URL.  Or  if you are getting the endpoint from your properties file just verify the end point value is there on the file. Attribute is: <webServer schedulerUrl="" - some instances have the value "internal" or empty. try saving end point value on your properties. 


    Try running this example to see if value does exist:


    <gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core"
    xmlns:sql="jelly:sql" xmlns:util="jelly:util"
    xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

    <core:invokeStatic className="com.niku.union.config.ConfigurationManager" method="getInstance" var="v_config"/>
    <!--Always use Scheduler URL first-->
    <core:set value="${v_config.getProperties().getWebServer().getSchedulerUrl()}" var="v_clarityURL"/>
    <gel:log>PROPERTIES FILE VALUE: ${v_clarityURL}</gel:log>
    <core:set value="${v_clarityURL}/niku/xog" var="v_clarityURL"/>
    <gel:log>COMPLETE SCHEDULER NAME: ${v_clarityURL}</gel:log>