
  • 1.  Why limit input characters in jaspersoft schedule email recipient textboxes for TO, CC and BCC?

    Posted Oct 18, 2017 11:33 AM

    After some debugging I figured out the compressed js containing this


    ,define("text!scheduler/template/editor/notificationsTabTemplate.htm",[],function(){return'<!-- PPM Customization -->\r\n<!-- Added UI Input Text limit to 100 matching DB Field limits -->\r\n<!-- PPM Customization -->\r\n<div class="notificationsTab">\


    this does not make sense, at least the above comment as Table "PPM_JASPERSOFT"."JIREPORTJOBMAILRECIPIENT"  stores the addresses with each address limited to 100 characters, jasper puts comma separated emailids into separate rows anyways, that makes me feel that the input text can be unlimited.



    I am trying to override this customization and will keep all posted if I succeed.. 


    Nika_Hadzhikidi, what do you think?

  • 2.  Re: Why limit input characters in jaspersoft schedule email recipient textboxes for TO, CC and BCC?
    Best Answer

    Posted Oct 18, 2017 12:21 PM

    Here is the fix to this problem


    Simply search for maxlength="100" and change it to maxlength="1000" – So add one zero to the length.. this is to be replaced 5 times in this file

