
  • 1.  XOG data rows from parent

    Posted Dec 12, 2017 08:49 AM

    I am trying read data out that links back to a Parent record


    What I have come up with so far is below but, "parentInstanceCode" is not recognised by XOG resulting in error "attribute "name" has a bad value: the value is not a member of the enumeration: ("instanceCode"/"objectCode")"


    What should I be using in the below to bring back the records?  For reference "bc" is the Master Object and "bc_approval" the subobject.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd">
    <Header version="8.0" action="read" objectType="customObjectInstance" externalSource="NIKU"/>
    <Filter name="objectCode" criteria="EQUALS">bc</Filter>
    <Filter name="instanceCode" criteria="EQUALS">BC009199</Filter>
    <Filter name="objectCode" criteria="EQUALS">bc_approval</Filter>
    <Filter name="parentInstanceCode" criteria="EQUALS">BC009199</Filter>

  • 2.  Re: XOG data rows from parent

    Posted Dec 12, 2017 09:04 AM

    Would think you have to just specify the parent object instance.

    (i.e. you can not ask for "get me the parent instance of my child instance ref XXXX" - you can only ask for "get me the parent instance ref YYYY")