
  • 1.  ServiceException while running process

    Posted Feb 15, 2018 03:49 AM

    We were running a process, which was always going into ServiceException. Please find below the BG logs around that timestamp. Has anyone seen this error before:


    ERROR 2018-02-15 06:57:42,374 [Action Execution Pipeline 0 (tenant=clarity)] bpm.engine (clarity:process_admin:422421475__BD57FB44-FCEE-4E0E-BBDF-3C64EE34ACEB:none) Error (will retry) caused by Step Instance: com.niku.bpm.engine.objects.StepInstance@3e4f4f9e [Id: 16017079 Process Instance Id: 11563029 Step Id: 5052449 State: BPM_SIS_EXEC_ACTION Step Name: null Start Date: 2017-07-03 11:43:33.613 Expected End Date: null Percent Complete: 0.428571 Warned: false Retry Count: 1931 No of Pre Conditions: -1 No of Post Conditions: -1 Last Condition Eval Time: 0 Pre Condition Wait Events: null Post Condition Wait Events: null Pass Conditions: [] Error Id: -1
    Process Thread: com.niku.bpm.engine.objects.ProcessThread@48f42e07 [Id: 11566029 Parent Step Instance Id: -1 Join Step Instance Id: -1]
    Split Threads: null
    Join Threads:null]
    com.niku.bpm.BpmException: com.niku.bpm.BpmException: getSynchronouslyRunningAction - Cannot get synchronously running action Did not get exactly one rowset with 0 or 1 row back.
    dbResults size: 1
    DBResultSet: 0 No of rows: 2
    Row: 0 No of columns: 3
    Column Name: status_code Value: BPM_AIS_RUNNING
    Column Name: id Value: 15438079
    Column Name: step_action_id Value: 5063269
    Row: 1 No of columns: 3
    Column Name: status_code Value: BPM_AIS_RUNNING
    Column Name: id Value: 15439145
    Column Name: step_action_id Value: 5063269

    at com.niku.bpm.engine.rules.ActionExecutionPipeline.execute(
    Caused by: com.niku.bpm.BpmException: getSynchronouslyRunningAction - Cannot get synchronously running action Did not get exactly one rowset with 0 or 1 row back.
    dbResults size: 1
    DBResultSet: 0 No of rows: 2
    Row: 0 No of columns: 3
    Column Name: status_code Value: BPM_AIS_RUNNING
    Column Name: id Value: 15438079
    Column Name: step_action_id Value: 5063269
    Row: 1 No of columns: 3
    Column Name: status_code Value: BPM_AIS_RUNNING
    Column Name: id Value: 15439145
    Column Name: step_action_id Value: 5063269

    at com.niku.bpm.engine.persistence.EnginePersistenceUtils.getSynchronouslyRunningActionResult(
    at com.niku.bpm.engine.objects.StepInstance.processSynchronousStepAction(
    at com.niku.bpm.engine.rules.ActionExecutionPipeline.execute(

  • 2.  Re: ServiceException while running process
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 16, 2018 05:09 AM

    Hi Kritika,


    If you had already restarted the bg services and still observing the issue,could you check if there are duplicate rows , which may cause issues in executing the process , since there should be unique value


    So the first step would be to identify the process. The process instance ID being referred to is -> 11563029 

    One of the options is to check this from the UI, wherein open any process instance and replace the above instance id

    Else you may check from the database:



    If it is indeed duplicate result set which the process is referring to , then removal of the same from db would help


