Service Virtualization

  • 1.  How to create a virtualized service via RR pair defining the base path?

    Posted Mar 28, 2018 04:10 PM


    I'm trying to create a virtualized service via RR pair in CA DevTest v9.5.1, but when I call the virtualized service I receive the following response:


    <S:Envelope xmlns:S="">


          <S:Fault xmlns:ns3="">


             <faultstring>The LISA VSE service could not match your request to a recorded request. Consider expanding your service image.</faultstring>


                <ns2:exception class="java.lang.Exception" xmlns:ns2="">

                   <message>The LISA VSE service could not match your request to a recorded request. Consider expanding your service image.</message>








    As I can find in the web forums this error is generated because there is no specified base path in the virtualized service. And the suggestion is to created the virtualized service via RR pair selecting the “VRS” instead of "HTTP" type.

    However, I don't have yet a real service running in order to create a sample VRS (Virtual Recording Session) file using the recording option in the Workstation. I have only the request and response pairs nd WSDL available, and no real service implemented.


    1) Is it possible to create a virtualized service without having the real service implemented and running?

    2) Is it possible to define a base path for virtualized service created via RR pair without selecting the VRS option?





  • 2.  Re: How to create a virtualized service via RR pair defining the base path?
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 30, 2018 08:50 AM

    When the base path is too restrictive, the virtual service will not accept the incoming request at all.  This usually results in a connection exception type message (as if no endpoint is found). 


    The SI Not Found Response you describe above occurs when there is no match in the VSI for the given incoming request. This means the base path test passed and the VSM is in the VS Image Selection Step.


    Generally speaking, SI Not Found responses relate to:

    a) an issue where the incoming operation name does not match an operation in the VSI or

    b) when the arguments on the incoming request do not match the argument signature of one of the transactions in the VSI

    c) Match Script errors / issues


    Assuming the request went to the correct VSI, analyze a) & b), above, first.  Review the lisatmp_x_x_x directory and locate your Virtual Service name. (e.g., VS_<yourService>.log). Analyze the log file content. Compare the incoming arguments to the signature(s) in the VSI -- look for a missing argument, misspelled argument name, cAsE Sensitivity in the argument names, etc.:

    yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ... [service [VS_<yourService>_Run]/1] INFO  - Inbound Request {"id":0,"operation":"POST /some/basePath","arguments":{"Arg1":"Val1","Arg2":"Val2","Arg3":"Val3"...}}


    Look a the vse_matches.log at about the same timestamp and you should see the Responding From information for the transaction. I believe the incoming request also prints here when an SI Not Found is used.

  • 3.  Re: How to create a virtualized service via RR pair defining the base path?

    Posted Apr 05, 2018 12:07 PM

    My conclusion about this error is that DevTest Server web console v9.5.1 doesn't allow to provide a basepath when creating the virtualized service via RR pair, so that was the reason of the failure in the virtualized service response.


    The workaround I did was to create the virtualized service via RR Pair using the DevTest Workstation (v9.5.1) and then deploying it to the DevTest Server. Then everything worked fine!!!

  • 4.  Re: How to create a virtualized service via RR pair defining the base path?

    Posted Apr 06, 2018 05:37 AM

    Hi Caren, Please go to the VSM "Listen Step" and add basepath manually, since for RR pair Virtualisation we wont get an option to provide the basepath while virtualising.