AppWorx, Dollar Universe and Sysload Community

  • 1.  DB Browser

    Posted Sep 02, 2014 04:51 PM
    What user groups are allowed to run a job or process flow & how do I find it in the DB browser?

  • 2.  DB Browser

    Posted Sep 03, 2014 01:36 PM
    This query will help you find/summarize all the authorizations that have been granted in your system.  The results should look similar to what you would find on the "Authorizations" tab of a User or UserGroup.  You can uncomment sections below to help you narrow down specific grants and clients.  I hope this helps.

    select OH_Client
         , OH_NAME                                                    USER_OR_GRP
         , OH_OType                                               as "TYPE"
         , UACL_AuthLevel                                             GRP
         , UACL_Lnr                                                   LINE
       , UACL_Filter0                                               AUTH_TYPE
         , UACL_Filter1                                               OBJECT_TYPE
         , UACL_Filter2                                               OBJECT_NAME
         , UACL_Filter3                                               FT_SEND_HOST
         , UACL_Filter5                                               FT_SEND_USER
         , UACL_Filter7                                               FT_SEND_FILE
         , UACL_Filter4                                               FT_RECV_HOST
         , UACL_Filter6                                               FT_RECV_USER
         , UACL_Filter8                                               FT_RECV_FILE
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/  1, 1), 1, 'R', null) as "READ"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/  2, 1), 1, 'W', null) as "WRITE"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/  4, 1), 1, 'X', null) as "EXECUTE"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/  8, 1), 1, 'D', null) as "DELETE"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/ 16, 1), 1, 'C', null) as "CANCEL"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/ 32, 1), 1, 'S', null) as "STATISTICS"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/ 64, 1), 1, 'P', null) as "REPORT"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/128, 1), 1, 'M', null) as "MODIFY"
         , decode(bitand(uacl.uacl_bitcode/256, 1), 1, 'L', null) as "SLA"
      from oh, uacl
     where UACL_OH_Idnr    = oh_idnr
       and OH_DeleteFlag   = 0
       and OH_OType       in ('USER', 'USRG')
    -- and oh_client = 100
    -- and oh_name IN('JUNK/UC4', 'USRG.JUNK')
     order by OH_Client
         , OH_OType
         , OH_NAME
         , UACL_Lnr

  • 3.  DB Browser

    Posted Sep 08, 2014 03:07 PM
    Applications Manager doesn't have this information readily available in the database browser.

    However we do have a Report that you can run to get this information. The Report is called UC4_ROLES_OBJECTS_BY_USER. This is accessible by navigating to: Object Admin> Development> Reports> select UC4_ROLES_OBJECTS_BY_USER> Select Show.

    You can enter one username or the % symbol to show all users.
