Automic Workload Automation

  • 1.  Report has been Truncated

    Posted Mar 13, 2017 05:28 PM
    Depending on the issue, there are two solutions to address your job report from being truncated.

    Report has been truncated because the defined maximum length has been exceeded.

    Issue #1:
    Job reports are getting truncated when attached to e-mail notification jobs.  However, the job reports from the job itself is not truncated.

    Solution #1:
    In client 0, adjust the SMTP_MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable.

    Issue #2:
    Job reports are getting truncated when downloaded from the database.

    Solution #2:
    In client 0, adjust the MAX_REPORT_SIZE and REPORT_BLKSIZE of the UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT.

    If the job report is still too large and exceeds the maximum, then the next option is to select the 'File' option instead of 'Database' in the Job report section of your job.  This will give you the full report.

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  • 2.  Re: Report has been Truncated

    Posted Apr 04, 2019 11:58 AM

    Currently, our SMTP_MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE is 70,000 but I want to increase it so that we don't email truncated log to users that want the logs. What's the maximum? I clicked on the Solution #1 link but the content is no longer available.

  • 3.  Re: Report has been Truncated

    Posted Apr 06, 2019 09:29 AM

    SMTP_MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE maximum value is 50,000  FYI so report are truncated at this size max.


    But report can be larger than this size that is valid only for the notification email attachement. So your report must be between 50,000 bytes and the MAX_REPORT_SIZE setting in number of blocks (an not bytes !) located in UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT or UC_HOSTCHAR_xxxx if you are not using the standard default. Then it is in the DB but no longer on the local disk when job is ended. Any report bigger than MAX_REPORT_SIZE will stay on disk.


    To fix your problem you can use two possible solutions (at least) :


    #1 : set the report to be kept on file in the job definition then in post-processing use the :SEND_MAIL to attached the report to a message and finally issue a delete command for this file once mail sent by using a PREP_PROCESS command.


    #2 : if you do not want to set the keeping of the report file in definitions, you can use a PREP_PROCESS_REPORT + WRITE_PROCESS combination of commands to create a new temporary file from the report to attach in a SEND_MAIL command. Issue anyway a delete command for this file once mail sent by using a PREP_PROCESS command to cleanup temporary file or run a regular cleanup of obsolete files in the report directory.

    WARNING if report exceed MAX_REPORT_SIZE, the report loaded in the DB is incomplete. In that case, you must use the original report that is kept on disk to get the full report.


    Note: if you do not access report from the post-processing and do not set to keep report on file in the definition, report may be loaded in the DB and removed from disk before you can execute a SEND_MAIL command with the report attached. To prevent this use the following commands at end of the post-processing, after the SEND_MAIL command, it will keep the file on disk until post-processing is ended :

    :SET &reportkeep# = PREP_PROCESS_REPORT(,,REP,"*")

    :PROCESS &reportkeep#