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Management Server: Automatic registration agents

  • 1.  Management Server: Automatic registration agents

    Posted Nov 07, 2017 11:46 AM

    When installing an agent, the Msconfig_AutoDeclareServers setting in the [General] section allows the agent to automatically declare itself to the Management Server.
    [General] Msconfig_AutoDeclareServers#Leave value to "ms" #Defines the Management Server where the Agent will register its Monitored Object(s) #Leave the value to "ms", i.e. the keyword in section "MS_SERVERS_DEF" #Appeared in v5.80

    This feature is available from version v5.80. This parameter is dependent on the ms parameter in the [MS_SERVER_DEF] section in the agent's Collector configuration file.


    [MS_SERVERS_DEF] ms#Management Server that handles the Monitored Obect(s), i.e. where the Monitored Object(s) are registered. Each time the Agent Collector is started, it will initiate a query to its Management Server to register the Monitored Object. If the MO is not in the Management Server database, it will be registered. If it exist, it will be refreshed. #A Monitered Object is registered or refreshed according to the keyword "[COMM] AgentDeclareHost #Syntax: example ",port:9901" #Optional/Mandatory    : Optional # Automation is not activated. The Agent Collector default the value to “0” #This section can accept any keyword, one keyword per Management Server in which MOs can be registered #Example:,port:9901,csport:9900,user:admin,pass:sysload #Important : This parameter is taken into account only if "" is also set to "1" #Appeared in version 5.80

    Example de fichier de configuration : 
    [GENERAL] Msconfig_AutoDeclareServers=ms … [MS_SERVERS_DEF],port:9901

    In the example above, when the Collector starts for the first time, the agent declares itself to the Management Server 'vmstm2k12' through port # 9901. The agent wille be  visible on the Management Server through the Analyst Rich console. Client in the list of Monitored Objects.
    If the message AutoDeclare - WARNING: Could not process 'agtdiscover' appears in the Collector logs:
    DD MM HH:MM:SS YYYY: coll - AutoDeclare - WARNING: Could not process 'agtdiscover' http request to '' (Report=LSldAgentMsThreadHelper_ProcessSimpleHttpRequest_ToMs 'agtdiscover' failed (iRc=-2);Could not connect to server ''' (iRc=-103). Could not connect to host (ip=***.***.***.***, port=9901, errno=0, timeout=5s)).
    In this case, check that the port (here 9901) is open between your agent and the Management Server. Once the port is open, please restart your agent.