CA Service Management

  • 1.  Como restringir un campo "Detalle de incidente"

    Posted Apr 26, 2018 12:53 PM

    Buen día.


    Solicito de su valioso apoyo para saber como restringir un campo para que no pueda ser editado después de que se genere el ticket, y que solo 1 grupo especifico tenga este privilegio.


    Manejo una mesa de servicios de mi empresa, y el problema que presento es que mis clientes generan los tickets con documentando una falla en especifico, y me he topado con que algunos de mis analistas  editan el campo "Descripción" modificandolo a su conveniencia.


    La idea de que solo un grupo de analistas "Group HelpDesk" pueda editar dicho campo en su totalidad, y que nadie mas lo pueda hacer después de generado el ticket.


    Espero ser especifico con mi preguntaEjemplo del campo a restringir

  • 2.  Re: Como restringir un campo "Detalle de incidente"

    Posted Apr 27, 2018 02:34 AM



    How to restrict a field "Incident detail"

    Good day.

    I request your valuable support to know how to restrict a field so that it can not be edited after the ticket is generated, and only 1 specific group has this privilege.

    I manage a service desk of my company, and the problem that I present is that my clients generate the tickets with documenting a specific failure, and I have found that some of my analysts edit the "Description" field modifying it at their convenience.

    The idea that only a group of analysts "Group HelpDesk" can edit this field in its entirety, and that nobody else can do it after generating the ticket.

  • 3.  Re: Como restringir un campo "Detalle de incidente"
    Best Answer

    Posted Apr 27, 2018 02:52 AM

    Hello Pedro,


    You might be able to do this by using Web Screen Painter and making a Form Group with Description as "Read Only" for your Analysts.


    And another Form Group for your super-analysts who need to edit this field.



    However, I would caution that perhaps training is a better approach here. Locking your Analysts out of being able to Edit the Description field would remove a lot of their autonomy. It is the type of function that an Analyst typically would need to be effective.


    If it is a case of just maintaining an audit record, then the Description field is tracked by default by a "Field Update."

    Every time the Description is changed,the old and new values are recorded in the Activity Log. 



    Thanks, Kyle_R.