Symantec Access Management

Tech Tip : CA Single Sign-On : AdminUI :: Partnership Certificates : Error creating JSAFE_PrivateKey object - com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_InvalidKeyException: Invalid key data length expected 8

  • 1.  Tech Tip : CA Single Sign-On : AdminUI :: Partnership Certificates : Error creating JSAFE_PrivateKey object - com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_InvalidKeyException: Invalid key data length expected 8

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 18, 2018 09:52 AM



    We're running AdminUI, the new certificate you have loaded into
    the certificate store doesn't show up certificate is not visible in
    combo box to select signing certificate for the entity
    (Signing Private Key Alias).

    When you reproduce this issue, you see the following error in the
    server.log of the AdminUI :


    2018-05-16 12:17:11,028 ERROR [stderr] (default task-18)
    com.netegrity.smkeydatabase.db.SmCertificateDataStoreException: Error
    creating JSAFE_PrivateKey object.


    2018-05-16 12:17:11,138 ERROR [stderr] (default task-18) Caused by:
    com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_InvalidKeyException: Invalid key data length,
    expected 8


    How can we solve this issue ?




    Policy Server 12.7;
    AdminUI 12.7;



    Upgrade the Policy Server, Policy Store, AdminUI and AdminUI Prereq to 12.7SP2 to solve this issue.
    You'll benefit from fix from a known issue reporting the same error as

    "Error creating JSAFE_PrivateKey object"


    Defects Fixed in 12.7.02


    00912269 DE335788 Administrative UI fails to modify SP partnerships.


    KB : KB000097096