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Five (5) Steps to create your AD lab & Eleven (11) Steps to create an Exchange lab

  • 1.  Five (5) Steps to create your AD lab & Eleven (11) Steps to create an Exchange lab

    Posted May 30, 2018 01:36 PM



    I have been using these scripts for a while, and thought I would share.

    - Scripts enclosed (attachments and within this post)


    I have five (5) steps I use to create a AD lab, that will support MS Exchange lab as well.

    -  These can be on the same server, but if you wish to replicate a client's environment, use a second server to document the external network traffic between the two (2) servers.



    I have eleven (11) steps I use to create a remote MS Exchange lab, using the prior AD domain as the supporting component.

    - This MS Exchange lab will be able to support OWA via MS-IIS for webmail testing scenarios.



    If you find these useful, or would like to enhance them, please do.





    ###  AD Lab Five (5) Steps - Details below ###



    ::Rename Hostname Options

    set NEWHOSTNAME=dc001

    ::wmic method
    wmic computersystem where name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call rename name="%NEWHOSTNAME%"
    ::Requires a reboot action
    shutdown /r /t 30



    ::Update from DHCP IP to Static IP Address Options

    set NIC_ADP_NAME=Ethernet1
    :: set NIC_ADP_NAME=Local Area Connection
    set IP_ADDR=
    set IP_MASK=
    set IP_GW=

    ::netsh method #1
    :: Display Config
    netsh interface ip show config
    :: Save Before State
    netsh -c interface dump > c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_NIC_before_state.txt
    ::netsh -f c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_location_before_state.txt

    :: Update IP Address
    netsh interface ip set address name=%NIC_ADP_NAME% static %IP_ADDR% %IP_MASK% %IP_GW% 1

    :: Save After State/Update
    netsh -c interface dump > c:\%COMPUERNAME%_NIC_after_state.txt




    ::Scan & find latest patches
    wuauclt.exe /DectectNow /ReportNow

    ::Force update after scan
    Wuauclt.exe /UpdateNow

    ::Show Update GUI
    Wuauclt.exe /ShowWU



    @echo on


    ::Installing AD DS by Using Windows PowerShell
    ::Beginning with Windows Server 2012 , you can install AD DS using Windows PowerShell.


    Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services  -IncludeManagementTools
    Install-ADDSForest `-CreateDnsDelegation:$false ` -DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS" ` -DomainMode "Win2012" ` -DomainName "exchange.lab" ` -DomainNetbiosName "EXCHANGE" ` -ForestMode "Win2012" ` -InstallDns:$true ` -LogPath "C:\Windows\NTDS" ` -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false ` -SysvolPath "C:\Windows\SYSVOL" ` -Force:$true




    @echo on
    :: Create a CA root Certificate
    :: Set an initial openssl configuration file
    set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg
    set PASSWORD=P$ssword01


    :: Make a output folder
    mkdir c:\temp\openssl


    :: Clean up Certs from prior executions / stores
    certutil -delstore  "Root" ###_LAB_ROOT_CA_Cert_Auth_For_Active_Directory_###
    certutil -delstore "My" %FQDN%


    :: Update inf file with the latest FQDN name
    copy ADS_server_cert_request.inf   c:\temp\openssl\ADS_server_cert_request.inf


    :: Generate a private CA key
    cd /d C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin
    openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:%PASSWORD%  -out  c:\temp\openssl\01.rootCA.key 1024
    openssl rsa -in c:\temp\openssl\01.rootCA.key -passin pass:%PASSWORD%  -out c:\temp\openssl\02.rootCA_nopassword.key  


    :: Create a self-signed x509 cert
    openssl req -out c:\temp\openssl\03.rootCA.crt  -key c:\temp\openssl\02.rootCA_nopassword.key -new -x509 -days 7300 -subj "/CN=###_LAB_ROOT_CA_Cert_Auth_For_Active_Directory_###"


    :: Execute on the Active Directory Server (DC) only
    certreq -f -new c:\temp\openssl\ADS_server_cert_request.inf  c:\temp\openssl\%FQDN%.csr


    :: Sign the CSR with the private CA key
    openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in c:\temp\openssl\%FQDN%.csr  -CA c:\temp\openssl\03.rootCA.crt   -CAkey c:\temp\openssl\02.rootCA_nopassword.key  -set_serial 01 -out c:\temp\openssl\%FQDN%.crt


    :: On both the AD & IMPS Servers, import the CA root file into (Local Computer \ Trusted Root Cert Auth \ Certificates)
    certutil -addstore "Root" c:\temp\openssl\03.rootCA.crt


    :: Only on the AD server, accept the signed cert.  This MUST PASS to SUCCEED
    :: Cert will then be auto-copied to (Local Computer \ Personal \ Certificates )
    certreq -accept  c:\temp\openssl\%FQDN%.crt




    :: Validate TCP 636 is available with a SSL Cert; may use MS LDP.  Note:  DC may not need to be rebooted/bounced.




    ;----------------- request.inf -----------------
    Signature="$Windows NT$"
    Subject = ""
    KeySpec = 1
    KeyLength = 1024
    Exportable = TRUE
    MachineKeySet = TRUE
    SMIME = False
    PrivateKeyArchive = FALSE
    UserProtected = FALSE
    UseExistingKeySet = FALSE
    ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"
    ProviderType = 12
    RequestType = PKCS10
    KeyUsage = 0xa0
    OID= ; this is for Server Authentication


    ###  AD Lab Five (5) Steps - Details above ###





    ###  MS Exchange Lab Eleven (11) Steps - Details below ###



    :: Run MS Sysprep to generate new SID if image was cloned.
    :: Will need to re-activate with MS Windows

    C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe  /generalize  /reboot



    ::Rename Hostname Options

    set NEWHOSTNAME=exch001

    ::wmic method
    wmic computersystem where name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call rename name="%NEWHOSTNAME%"
    ::Requires a reboot action
    shutdown /r /t 30




    ::Update from DHCP IP to Static IP Address Options

    set NIC_ADP_NAME=Ethernet1
    :: set NIC_ADP_NAME=Local Area Connection
    set IP_ADDR=
    set IP_MASK=
    set IP_GW=
    set DNS=

    ::netsh method #1
    :: Display Config
    netsh interface ip show config
    :: Save Before State
    netsh -c interface dump > c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_NIC_before_state.txt
    ::netsh -f c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_location_before_state.txt


    :: Update IP Address
    netsh interface ip set address name=%NIC_ADP_NAME% static %IP_ADDR%  %IP_MASK%  %IP_GW%  1


    :: Save After State/Update
    netsh -c interface dump > c:\%COMPUERNAME%_NIC_after_state.txt
    ::netsh -f c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_location_after_state.txt
    ::Does NOT requires a reboot action


    ::Netsh method to update DNS to static addresses
    netsh interface ip set dns %NIC_ADP_NAME% static %DNS%
    netsh interface ip set wins %NIC_ADP_NAME% static %DNS%





    ::Scan & find latest patches
    wuauclt.exe  /DectectNow   /ReportNow

    ::Force update after scan
    Wuauclt.exe  /UpdateNow   

    ::Show Update GUI
    Wuauclt.exe    /ShowWU




    set PASSWORD=P$ssword01

    :: Join the AD Domain "exchange.lab"

    :: netdom join <Computer> {/d: | /domain:}<Domain> [/ou:<OUPath>] [{/ud: | /userd:}[<Domain>\]<User> [{/pd: | /passwordd:}{<Password>|*}]] [{/uo: | /usero}<User> [{/po: | /passwordo}{<Password>|*}] [/reboot[:,Delay>]] [/help | /?]

    netdom join "%COMPUTERNAME%" /d:%DOMAIN% /ud:%DOMAIN%\Administrator /pd:%PASSWORD%  /Reboot





    ::Within Powershell, add in the RSAT Tools (ADUC/ADSC) used for testing and view the AD domain; via powershell window.
    powershell Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
    powershell.exe Install-WindowsFeature AS-HTTP-Activation, Desktop-Experience, NET-Framework-45-Features, RPC-over-HTTP-proxy, RSAT-Clustering, RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface, RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt, RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell, Web-Mgmt-Console, WAS-Process-Model, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Digest-Auth, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console, Web-Metabase, Web-Mgmt-Console, Web-Mgmt-Service, Web-Net-Ext45, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Server, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Static-Content, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-WMI, Windows-Identity-Foundation

    shutdown /r /t 30




    ::Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime


    cd /d "C:\InstallMedia\Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime"
    UcmaRuntimeSetup.exe /passive /norestart


    ::Within Powershell, execute the following:
    ::powershell.exe "Exchange Schema Version = " + ([ADSI]("LDAP://CN=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt," + ([ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE").schemaNamingContext)).rangeUpper


    ::Execute the MS Exchange 2016 Server setup.exe
    cd /d C:\InstallMedia\Exch2016
    setup /PrepareSchema /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms




    ::Execute the MS Exchange 2016 Server
    cd /d C:\InstallMedia\Exch2016
    setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"ExchangeLab" /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms




    ::Execute the MS Exchange 2016 Server setup.exe
    cd /d C:\InstallMedia\Exch2016
    setup /Mode:Install /Role:Mailbox /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms




    ::Within Exchange Management Shell

    get-exchangeserver | format-list

    :: Within IE or any Browser

    :: Exchange Admin UI

    :: Exchange OWA (WebMail)

    :: Bad DNS will slow down Exchange UI / OWA and impact email delivery.
    :: Ensure DNS is correct and resolvable.




    ::Search Active Directory and grant mailbox to all users within an base OU
    :: Use MS Exchange Management Shell


    Import-module activedirectory


    $users = Get-ADUser -LDAPfilter '(name=*)' -searchBase {OU=CompanyABC_Users_OU,DC=exchange,DC=lab}
    foreach($user in $users)
       Enable-Mailbox -Identity $user.SamAccountName
    :: Limited to first 1000
    Get-User -OrganizationalUnit "OU=CompanyABC_Users_OU,DC=exchange,DC=lab"                      | Enable-Mailbox


    :: Open to all
    Get-User -OrganizationalUnit "OU=CompanyABC_Users_OU,DC=exchange,DC=lab" -ResultSize "Unlimited" | Enable-Mailbox


    Get-User -OrganizationalUnit "OU=Office_001,OU=CompanyABC_Users_OU,DC=exchange,DC=lab" -ResultSize "Unlimited" | Enable-Mailbox
    Get-User -OrganizationalUnit "OU=Office_002,OU=CompanyABC_Users_OU,DC=exchange,DC=lab" -ResultSize "Unlimited" | Enable-Mailbox
    Get-User -OrganizationalUnit "OU=Office_003,OU=CompanyABC_Users_OU,DC=exchange,DC=lab" -ResultSize "Unlimited" | Enable-Mailbox



    ###  MS Exchange Lab Eleven (11) Steps - Details above ###




    ###  EXTRA - 2nd MS Windows Server to join the AD lab Five (5) Steps - Details below ###

    -   Example:   May wish a server or workstation (MS Win 7/8/10) to support the domain for solution tools, e.g. IM Provisioning Server or IM Connector Server or IG Workpoint/Governance Tool Server.





    :: Run MS Sysprep to generate new SID if image was cloned.
    :: Will need to re-activate with MS Windows

    C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe  /generalize  /reboot



    ::Rename Hostname Options

    set NEWHOSTNAME=exch001

    ::wmic method
    wmic computersystem where name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call rename name="%NEWHOSTNAME%"
    ::Requires a reboot action
    shutdown /r /t 30



    ::Update from DHCP IP to Static IP Address Options

    set NIC_ADP_NAME=Ethernet1
    :: set NIC_ADP_NAME=Local Area Connection
    set IP_ADDR=
    set IP_MASK=
    set IP_GW=
    set DNS=

    ::netsh method #1
    :: Display Config
    netsh interface ip show config
    :: Save Before State
    netsh -c interface dump > c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_NIC_before_state.txt
    ::netsh -f c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_location_before_state.txt


    :: Update IP Address
    netsh interface ip set address name=%NIC_ADP_NAME% static %IP_ADDR%  %IP_MASK%  %IP_GW%  1


    :: Save After State/Update
    netsh -c interface dump > c:\%COMPUERNAME%_NIC_after_state.txt
    ::netsh -f c:\%COMPUTERNAME%_location_after_state.txt
    ::Does NOT requires a reboot action


    ::Netsh method to update DNS to static addresses
    netsh interface ip set dns %NIC_ADP_NAME% static %DNS%
    netsh interface ip set wins %NIC_ADP_NAME% static %DNS%


    ::Netsh method to reset back to DHCP
    ::netsh interface ip set address %NIC_ADP_NAME% dhcp
    ::netsh interface ip set dns %NIC_ADP_NAME% dhcp


    :: Disable IPv6 for DNS performance, if desired for small network
    ::netsh interface  ipv6  6to4    set state  state=disabled
    ::netsh interface  ipv6  isatap  set state  state=disabled
    ::netsh interface  ipv6  set teredo disable


    :: Display Config After Update
    netsh interface ip show config



    ::Scan & find latest patches
    wuauclt.exe  /DectectNow   /ReportNow

    ::Force update after scan
    Wuauclt.exe  /UpdateNow   

    ::Show Update GUI
    Wuauclt.exe    /ShowWU



    set PASSWORD=P$ssword01

    :: Join the AD Domain "exchange.lab"

    netdom join "%COMPUTERNAME%" /d:%DOMAIN% /ud:%DOMAIN%\Administrator /pd:%PASSWORD%  /Reboot


    ###  EXTRA - 2nd MS Windows Server to join the AD lab Five (5) Steps - Details above ###

  • 2.  Re: Five (5) Steps to create your AD lab & Eleven (11) Steps to create an Exchange lab

    Posted May 31, 2018 03:31 PM



    I see you published the scripts you previously shared on the internal CA Services Experts Forum to the external community. I would just like to add the standard "caveat emptor" disclaimer that the scripts are published "as is" to build out a sandbox environment; and while improvements are solicited from CA Communities, the scripts should be evaluated to use in any specific lower level (aka sandbox) non-production environment (NPE) and are in no way intended to use in a production environment. 


    Having used a previous version of these scripts and targeting a fairly lightweight VMware Workstation NPE, I have deployed a ca.lab AD domain and a supporting MS Exchange service on a single Windows Server 2012 R2 VM provisioned with 6GB memory. You can see just that change to the base domain name requires changes to the scripts.


    I hope we get contributions on improvements to the scripts.


    Thanks for sharing the knowledge.



  • 3.  Re: Five (5) Steps to create your AD lab & Eleven (11) Steps to create an Exchange lab

    Posted May 31, 2018 07:13 PM
