
  • 1.  How to extract Budget, Actuals, Cost & Variance for current Fiscal year and Lift Time

    Posted Jun 24, 2018 01:36 PM

    Hi ,

    I need to extract budget, cost, Actuals & Variance for current fiscal year and Total lift cost for preparing status report.

    Could anyone suggest with sample datas/query, Do we have an option to extract all the values?



    BudgetCost from Budget plan of recordFor CAPEX line, Cost type = CAPEX For OPEX line, Cost type = OPEX For “Current FY” column, sum for the FY corresponding to the report date For “Life totals” column, sum the total for all Fys
    ActualActualsAbove rule
    ForecastCosts from cost plan of record - Total ActualsAbove rule
    LandingCosts from cost plan of recordAbove rule
    VarianceCosts from cost plan of record - Costs from Budget plan of recordAbove rule
    Input in Red if >0

    Input in Green if <= 0

  • 2.  Re: How to extract Budget, Actuals, Cost & Variance for current Fiscal year and Lift Time

    Posted Jun 24, 2018 10:56 PM

    Extract Budget, Actuals, Cost & Variance for current Fiscal year based on "Status Report Date"

    My analyses so far,



    'FY' || substr(to_char(fy_report_date),-2,2) FYXX,
    --extract( YEAR from report_date ) + decode( extract( MONTH from report_date) ,1,-1,2,-1,3,-1,0) fy_report_date,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS landing_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS landing_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS landing

    --SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN (cost_value - actual) ELSE 0 END) AS forecast_opex,
    --SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN (cost_value - actual) ELSE 0 END) AS forecast_capex,
    --SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS forecast

    --SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_opex,
    --SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_capex,
    --SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_tot

    fin.object_id AS project_id, AS plan_id,
    fin.revision AS plan_revision,
    fin.plan_type_code AS plan_type_code,
    fin.is_plan_of_record AS plan_of_record,

    cst_typ.lookup_code AS plan_cost_type_code,
    cst_typ.lookup_name AS plan_cost_type,

    DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY fin.object_id, fin.plan_type_code ORDER BY fin.created_date) AS plan_approved_revision,
    COUNT(DISTINCT OVER (PARTITION BY fin.object_id, fin.plan_type_code) AS plan_count,

    fin_det.total_cost AS cost_value,
    psr.cop_report_date AS report_date,
    extract( YEAR from psr.cop_report_date ) + decode( extract( MONTH from psr.cop_report_date) ,1,-1,2,-1,3,-1,0) fy_report_date

    fin_cost_plan_details fin_det
    INNER JOIN fin_plans fin ON fin_det.plan_id =
    INNER JOIN odf_ca_costplan occ on
    LEFT JOIN ( SELECT id, lookup_code, MAX(Name) AS lookup_name
    FROM cmn_lookups_v
    AND language_code = 'en'
    GROUP BY id, lookup_code) cst_typ
    ON fin_det.cost_type_id =
    LEFT JOIN odf_ca_cop_prj_statusrpt psr on fin.object_id=psr.odf_parent_id
    fin.object_code = 'project'
    AND ( (fin.plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND fin.status_code = 'APPROVED')
    OR fin.plan_type_code = 'FORECAST')
    and z_delete_flag!=1


    wip.investment_id AS project_id,

    NULL AS plan_id,
    NULL AS plan_revision,
    'ACTUAL' AS plan_type_code,
    1 AS plan_of_record,

    cst_typ.lookup_code AS plan_cost_type_code,
    cst_typ.lookup_name AS plan_cost_type,

    1 AS plan_approved_revision,
    1 AS plan_count,

    wip_val.totalcost AS cost_value,
    NULL AS report_date,
    extract( YEAR from psr.cop_report_date ) + decode( extract( MONTH from psr.cop_report_date) ,1,-1,2,-1,3,-1,0) fy_report_date
    ppa_wip wip
    LEFT JOIN ppa_wip_values wip_val ON wip.transno = wip_val.transno
    LEFT JOIN odf_ca_cop_prj_statusrpt psr on wip.investment_id=psr.odf_parent_id
    LEFT JOIN ( SELECT id, lookup_code, MAX(Name) AS lookup_name
    FROM cmn_lookups_v
    AND language_code = 'en'
    GROUP BY id, lookup_code) cst_typ
    ON wip.cost_type = cst_typ.lookup_code
    wip_val.currency_type = 'HOME'
    AND wip.status = 0
    AND wip.sourcemodule IN (50,52, 53)) dat
    where project_id=5071003 --and report_date='06-06-18'


  • 3.  Re: How to extract Budget, Actuals, Cost & Variance for current Fiscal year and Lift Time

    Posted Jun 24, 2018 10:59 PM

    Is there any possibilities to extract budget,cost,actual and variance for current year Fiscal Year and this FY year will be fetched date based on status report date?

  • 4.  Re: How to extract Budget, Actuals, Cost & Variance for current Fiscal year and Lift Time

    Posted Jun 27, 2018 09:32 AM

    Hi Karthick,


    I would recommend you to understand the Entity Relationship Diagrams related to Financials at the link here: SAP Portal Services 




  • 5.  Re: How to extract Budget, Actuals, Cost & Variance for current Fiscal year and Lift Time

    Posted Jun 27, 2018 10:57 PM

    Thank you Suhail.

    I'll analyse the diagrams and know about the table relationships.

  • 6.  Re: How to extract Budget, Actuals, Cost & Variance for current Fiscal year and Lift Time
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 07, 2018 12:36 AM

    Hi ,

    Finally i myself found the solution how to extract budget, cost, Actuals & Variance for current fiscal year and Total life cost.

    This will be more helpful for who are all finding the budget & cost details from Financial plan.


    Current Fiscal year :


    'FY' || substr(to_char(fy_report_date),-2,2) CurFY,


    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_capex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_opex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_CurFY_tot,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS cost_capex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS cost_opex_CurFY, 
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS cost_CurFY_tot,


    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual_capex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual_opex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual_CurFY_tot,


    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS forecast_capex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS forecast_opex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)-SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS Forecast_CurFY_tot,


    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_capex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_opex_CurFY,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)-SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_CurFY_tot


    fin.object_id AS project_id, AS plan_id,
    fin.plan_type_code AS plan_type_code,
    fin.is_plan_of_record AS plan_of_record,
    cst_typ.lookup_code AS plan_cost_type_code,
    cst_typ.lookup_name AS plan_cost_type,
    to_char(add_months(ssl.start_date,-3),'YYYY') AS Start_Year,
    (select to_char(add_months(max(cop_report_date),-3),'YYYY') from odf_ca_cop_prj_statusrpt
    where odf_parent_id=fin.object_id and cop_report_status='FINAL') AS fy_report_date,
    round(ssl.slice * (ssl.finish_date - ssl.start_date) ) AS cost_value


    fin_cost_plan_details fin_det
    INNER JOIN fin_plans fin ON fin_det.plan_id =
    INNER JOIN prchargecode cc on fin_det.charge_code_id = cc.prid and cc.prexternalid NOT IN ('Client')
    INNER JOIN odf_ca_costplan occ ON =
    left JOIN odf_ssl_cst_dtl_cost ssl ON = ssl.prj_object_id


    MAX(name) AS lookup_name
    lookup_type = 'LOOKUP_FIN_COSTTYPECODE'
    AND language_code = 'en'
    ) cst_typ ON fin_det.cost_type_id =
    fin.object_code = 'project'
    AND (
    fin.plan_type_code = 'BUDGET'
    AND fin.status_code = 'APPROVED'
    OR fin.plan_type_code = 'FORECAST'
    AND z_delete_flag != 1
    AND fin.is_plan_of_record=1
    AND to_char(add_months(ssl.start_date,-3),'YYYY') = (select to_char(add_months(max(cop_report_date),-3),'YYYY') from odf_ca_cop_prj_statusrpt
    where odf_parent_id=fin.object_id and cop_report_status='FINAL')


    wip.investment_id AS project_id,
    NULL AS plan_id,
    'ACTUAL' AS plan_type_code,
    1 AS plan_of_record,

    cst_typ.lookup_code AS plan_cost_type_code,
    cst_typ.lookup_name AS plan_cost_type,
    NULL AS Start_Year,
    (select to_char(add_months(max(cop_report_date),-3),'YYYY') from odf_ca_cop_prj_statusrpt
    where odf_parent_id=wip.investment_id and cop_report_status='FINAL') AS fy_report_date,
    wip_val.totalcost AS cost_value


    ppa_wip wip
    INNER JOIN prchargecode chg_cod ON wip.charge_code = chg_cod.prexternalid and chg_cod.prexternalid NOT IN ('Client')
    LEFT JOIN ppa_wip_values wip_val ON wip.transno = wip_val.transno
    LEFT JOIN ( SELECT id, lookup_code, MAX(Name) AS lookup_name
    FROM cmn_lookups_v
    AND language_code = 'en'
    GROUP BY id, lookup_code) cst_typ
    ON wip.cost_type = cst_typ.lookup_code
    wip_val.currency_type = 'HOME'
    AND wip.status = 0
    AND wip.sourcemodule IN (50,52, 53)
    AND to_char(add_months(wip.TRANSDATE,-3),'YYYY') = (select to_char(add_months(max(cop_report_date),-3),'YYYY') from odf_ca_cop_prj_statusrpt
    where odf_parent_id=wip.investment_id and cop_report_status='FINAL')


    ) dat







    Total life time of the project:





    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_approved_revision = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_original_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_approved_revision = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_original_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_approved_revision = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_original,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_revised_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_revised_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS budget_revised,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS actual,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS landing_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS landing_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS landing,

    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS forecast_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS forecast_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)-SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'ACTUAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS Forecast,


    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'CAPITAL' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_capex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)- SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 AND plan_cost_type_code = 'OPERATING' THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_opex,
    SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'FORECAST' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END)-SUM(CASE WHEN plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND plan_of_record = 1 THEN cost_value ELSE 0 END) AS variance_tot



    fin.object_id AS project_id, AS plan_id,
    fin.revision AS plan_revision, 
    fin.plan_type_code AS plan_type_code,
    fin.is_plan_of_record AS plan_of_record,


    cst_typ.lookup_code AS plan_cost_type_code,
    cst_typ.lookup_name AS plan_cost_type,

    DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY fin.object_id, fin.plan_type_code ORDER BY fin.created_date) AS plan_approved_revision,
    COUNT(DISTINCT OVER (PARTITION BY fin.object_id, fin.plan_type_code) AS plan_count,

    fin_det.total_cost AS cost_value
    fin_cost_plan_details fin_det
    INNER JOIN fin_plans fin ON fin_det.plan_id =
    INNER JOIN prchargecode cc on fin_det.charge_code_id = cc.prid and cc.prexternalid NOT IN ('Client')
    INNER JOIN odf_ca_costplan occ on 
    LEFT JOIN ( SELECT id, lookup_code, MAX(Name) AS lookup_name
    FROM cmn_lookups_v
    AND language_code = 'en'
    GROUP BY id, lookup_code) cst_typ
    ON fin_det.cost_type_id =
    fin.object_code = 'project'
    AND ( (fin.plan_type_code = 'BUDGET' AND fin.status_code = 'APPROVED') 
    OR fin.plan_type_code = 'FORECAST')
    and z_delete_flag!=1


    wip.investment_id AS project_id,

    NULL AS plan_id,
    NULL AS plan_revision,
    'ACTUAL' AS plan_type_code,
    1 AS plan_of_record,

    cst_typ.lookup_code AS plan_cost_type_code,
    cst_typ.lookup_name AS plan_cost_type,

    1 AS plan_approved_revision,
    1 AS plan_count,

    wip_val.totalcost AS cost_value
    ppa_wip wip
    INNER JOIN prchargecode chg_cod ON wip.charge_code = chg_cod.prexternalid and chg_cod.prexternalid NOT IN ('Client')
    LEFT JOIN ppa_wip_values wip_val ON wip.transno = wip_val.transno
    LEFT JOIN ( SELECT id, lookup_code, MAX(Name) AS lookup_name
    FROM cmn_lookups_v
    AND language_code = 'en'
    GROUP BY id, lookup_code) cst_typ
    ON wip.cost_type = cst_typ.lookup_code
    wip_val.currency_type = 'HOME'
    AND wip.status = 0
    AND wip.sourcemodule IN (50,52, 53)) dat





    Note : please let me know in case if you're optimizing the above query.


