DX Unified Infrastructure Management

  • 1.  List Report Number format

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 10, 2018 12:24 PM

    List reports shows the format 99.99 for the column of number format. 


    Is there any way to change this format to with no decimals? Eg. 99 in stead of 99.99


    This question came from out of the box dashboards for vmware probe. VMWare host VM Count report shows total number of VMs and Active VMs. Customer want to see the report in whole numbers only (no decimals).


    Please advise if there is any way to modify.

  • 2.  Re: List Report Number format
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 11, 2018 05:24 AM

    Hi Balkar,


    My understanding is that the list report will display the values the same way they are inserted into the QOS tables.


    I do not think you can change this if the QOS is reporting the values with decimals.


    I might be wrong here so welcome comments from others.




  • 3.  Re: List Report Number format

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 16, 2018 06:04 PM

    Thanks Alex and Marco.


    I was looking for an formatting option in the list viewer, but it doesn't look like we have one.

  • 4.  Re: List Report Number format

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 11, 2018 07:46 AM

    Hi @Balkar Singh Kang, Alex is right. The List report pulls out the value from the DB. The samplevalues for the qos that determines the "VMcount" in thiss ("QOS_COUNTER") it's stored with the decimals format.

    You can modify the list view in the list designer but as you cannot modify the underlying query, that value should always show with the decimals in the list viewer. 


    If you are interested this is the full query:


    s_qos_data.source AS source,
    MAX(s_qos_data.source) AS member,
    MAX(d.cs_id) as cs_id

    , MAX(qos_c1.table_id) AS c1276659775750_id, MAX(qos_c1.samplevalue) AS c1276659775750_val
    , MAX(qos_c2.table_id) AS c1276659759078_id, MAX(qos_c2.samplevalue) AS c1276659759078_val
    , MAX(qos_c3.table_id) AS c1276662071140_id, MAX(qos_c3.samplevalue) AS c1276662071140_val
    , MAX(qos_c4.table_id) AS c1276662221125_id, MAX(qos_c4.samplevalue) AS c1276662221125_val
    FROM s_qos_data
    LEFT JOIN cm_configuration_item_metric cim
    ON s_qos_data.ci_metric_id = cim.ci_metric_id
    LEFT JOIN cm_configuration_item ci
    ON cim.ci_id = ci.ci_id
    LEFT JOIN cm_device d
    ON d.dev_id = ci.dev_id

    LEFT JOIN (SELECT qos_c1.table_id, qos_c1.source, qos_c1.origin, (qd_c1.samplevalue) AS samplevalue
    FROM s_qos_data qos_c1 JOIN
    s_qos_snapshot qd_c1
    ON (qd_c1.table_id = qos_c1.table_id AND qd_c1.sampletime > '2018-07-11 12:29:54.665')
    WHERE ( qos_c1.qos = 'QOS_COUNTER' AND
    qos_c1.target = 'VMCountActive' )
    ) qos_c1
    ON qos_c1.source = s_qos_data.source AND qos_c1.origin = s_qos_data.origin

    LEFT JOIN (SELECT qos_c2.table_id, qos_c2.source, qos_c2.origin, (qd_c2.samplevalue) AS samplevalue
    FROM s_qos_data qos_c2 JOIN
    s_qos_snapshot qd_c2
    ON (qd_c2.table_id = qos_c2.table_id AND qd_c2.sampletime > '2018-07-11 12:29:54.665')
    WHERE ( qos_c2.qos = 'QOS_COUNTER' AND
    qos_c2.target = 'VMCount' )
    ) qos_c2
    ON qos_c2.source = s_qos_data.source AND qos_c2.origin = s_qos_data.origin

    LEFT JOIN (SELECT qos_c3.table_id, qos_c3.source, qos_c3.origin, (qd_c3.samplevalue) AS samplevalue
    FROM s_qos_data qos_c3 JOIN
    s_qos_snapshot qd_c3
    ON (qd_c3.table_id = qos_c3.table_id AND qd_c3.sampletime > '2018-07-11 12:29:54.665')
    WHERE ( qos_c3.qos = 'QOS_CPU_USAGE' AND
    qos_c3.target = 'CPU Usage (Average/Rate)' )
    ) qos_c3
    ON qos_c3.source = s_qos_data.source AND qos_c3.origin = s_qos_data.origin

    LEFT JOIN (SELECT qos_c4.table_id, qos_c4.source, qos_c4.origin, (qd_c4.samplevalue) AS samplevalue
    FROM s_qos_data qos_c4 JOIN
    s_qos_snapshot qd_c4
    ON (qd_c4.table_id = qos_c4.table_id AND qd_c4.sampletime > '2018-07-11 12:29:54.665')
    WHERE ( qos_c4.qos = 'QOS_MEMORY_PERC_USAGE' AND
    qos_c4.target = 'Memory Usage' )
    ) qos_c4
    ON qos_c4.source = s_qos_data.source AND qos_c4.origin = s_qos_data.origin
    WHERE ( s_qos_data.probe = 'vmware'
    and s_qos_data.target = 'vmcount'
    AND ( NOT qos_c1.samplevalue IS NULL
    OR NOT qos_c2.samplevalue IS NULL
    OR NOT qos_c3.samplevalue IS NULL
    OR NOT qos_c4.samplevalue IS NULL
    GROUP BY s_qos_data.source
    ORDER BY c1276659775750_val DESC