CA Service Management

  • 1.  How-to configure CA Service Catalog to Open Request/Incidents on CA Service Desk Manager?

    Posted Aug 22, 2018 10:40 AM

    Hi Guys,


    I'm new on CA Service Catalog and I have a question about CA SDM Integration:

    Is there some document/article that explain how to configure the Opening and Synchronization between a Request in Service Catalog and Incidents/Requests on Service Desk Manager?




    Jorge Arcanjo de Souza

  • 2.  Re: How-to configure CA Service Catalog to Open Request/Incidents on CA Service Desk Manager?
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 23, 2018 04:27 AM

    Good Morning Jorge.

    From the SM 17.1 WIKI landing page:
    Please search for 'integration'.

    And then from the resulting pages, you could find your way for this.

    I also have the following information available for you on this subject:
    >Link: SDM - Catalog Integration

    Catalog-SDM integration using Self Service integration option(no PAM):
    The 'Report an Issue' offering. Which uses native integration between Catalog – SDM.
    No PAM is needed here.

    Here’s what we know about this over couple of cases that we ran into:
    1) Any request in Catalog (against this offering) would create a ticket in SDM automatically.
    Performed via Events/Rules/Actions in Catalog and SC-SDM integrated java processes.

    The 'Report an Issue' service invokes the following Java action to create the SDM ticket:
    Administration > Events-Rules-Actions > Request/Subscription Item Change
    > When Category is Service Management Content and Status is Pending Fulfillment
    > Create Incident
    This is based on the service option category.
    (e.g. Catalog > Service Offerings > Option Groups > Report an Issue
    > Definition > <Edit> > Category) set to 'Service Management Content'.

    2) Associated SDM’s ticket contains a reference to Catalog request via: external_system_ticket attribute in SDM.
    It’s of the format: casc-<catalog_item_id>-<catalog_request_id>

    3) From now on, SDM’s Catalog Sync Daemon (see further below on this page) is supposed to keep:
    activity log updates synced to Catalog (SDM has new options for CA SC, see further below on this page)
    attachments in SDM should sync to Catalog as a link
    status of SDM tickets should be synced to Catalog too. (one of them is – if SDM ticket is closed, then Catalog request should be set to Fulfilled/Completed).
    NOTE: ONLY CLOSED status in SDM triggers a Status update in Catalog.
    Any other status changes are NOT synced.
    This is a limitation of the integration at this time.
    For all other statuses sync to work, you would have to create a custom PAM process to synchronize those statuses.

    Note: In SDM: itsm_msg_queue trigger on alg object does this magic apart from catalog_sync_daemon’s java code.

    To debug the messages being sent from SDM To Catalog, with in SDM check Debugging section below.
    4) SDM’s catalog sync daemon uses some internal messages of the format "123456@@@@@"Comments from SDM"@@@@@CASMAdmin".
    (Catalog request#, followed by comment in SDM, followed by userid separator is @@@@@)

    5) This message is inserted into itsm_msg_queue table and then the message is processed by SDM’s Catalog sync daemon.

    If it is successful, the record is deleted from the table.
    If not, we keep retrying until retry count/interval is reached.
    Note: To debug this In Catalog check Debugging section below.

    If the message format was changed for some reason the integration will stop functioning.
    In a similar way, if the user updating SDM request doesn’t have appropriate privileges on Catalog Request, the sync won’t happen.

    SDM-Catalog integration when using PAM:
    Following is the request lifecycle I verified locally with Catalog raising Service Desk change orders based on the OOTB integration:
    Catalog request Submitted > Pending Approval > Approved (via Approve/Reject button) > Pending Fulfillment
    > Check Availability > Filled from Inventory (via Fulfill button) > SD Change Order Opened

    At this point the SD change order is raised via the /SLCM/FilledFromInventorySDM PAM process
    in either SLCM.HWFFI/SLCM.SWFFI change categories
    which have the following PAM process associated under the 'Workflow' tab:
    /SDM/HWSW_FilledFromInventory Process

    So once the change order is raised this process will be invoked which creates an approval task in PAM
    (Operations > Links > Tasks > All Tasks).
    Once this task is set to 'Approve' the above process will login to Catalog and update the request status to 'Fulfilled'
    and also update the change order to 'Closed'.
    Catalog will then update the status automatically to 'Completed'.

    In order for '/SDM/HWSW_FilledFromInventory Process' to complete
    '/SDM/SDM_GlobalDataset' needs to contain valid Catalog Service Delivery Administrator user credentials
    within the 'Login Parameters' folder.
    1) SDM Catalog sync daemon is a Java based program on SDM side.
    2) SDM's Catalog options in Options Manager -> CA Service Catalog:
    casc_aty_sync CA Service Catalog LOG,ESC,RE Installed
    casc_endpoint CA Service Catalog http://CatalogHostName:8080/usm/services Installed
    casc_integrated CA Service Catalog Yes Installed
    casc_session_timeout CA Service Catalog 20 Installed
    casc_user CA Service Catalog CASMAdmin Installed
    casc_user_password CA Service Catalog <encrypted pw>
    casc_ws_retry CA Service Catalog 20 Installed

    3) usp_itsm_msg_queue table
    - The usp_itsm_msg_queue table is used by SDM to store messages that SDM needs to send to Catalog via web services.
    - Messages include ticket activity logs and attachment details.
    - Once the messages are sent, the records from usp_itsm_msg_queue should be deleted from the table (so no need to archive/purge this table, as SDM should take care of this).
    - On startup, SDM will check for messages that haven’t yet been sent or synced to Catalog. The records with the status column as 1 are currently not synced.

    4) Close attention needs to be paid to the act_log entries that go into an SDM ticket.
    Example, you have Test Groups with Hundreds of members in them.
    Each member have a valid Email address, but Notification Method is set to NULL on each one of them.
    A simple Comment made to an SDM ticket could potentially now create hundreds of notification error messages recorded to the SDM Act log.
    Now these all need to be synced to Catalog.
    This could cause domsrvr to cache/crash.

    5) Out of box, the external_system_ticket should be in the format: CASC-<subscriptiondetailid>-<requestid>.
    If this is changed somehow, the catalog sync daemon wont be able to sync comments back and forth properly.

    6) Debugging:
    SDM: do the following on the background (or Primary) machine
    1. Open the file under NX_ROOT/site/cfg folder.
    2. Change the line:
    log4j.rootCategory=Error, jstdlog
    log4j.rootCategory=Debug, jstdlog

    3. Also add this line at the end of the file:, jstdlog
    #If needed add below line too, which produces additional debug info
    The above change is not effective until restart of Catalog Sync daemon (or restart of SDM).
    Here's one way to kill the java program related to the Catalog Sync daemon in SDM
    (it restarts itself immediately and starts processing any backlog left behind since kill)
    pdm_status|findstr /i SYNC

    ## this shows something like below
    PDM CATALOG SYNC DAEMON (pdm_ Running SDMHostName 8684 Fri Nov 11 11:11:29

    In the above output, 8684 is the Process ID for that daemon on that server.
    Keep in mind, in case of AA this is on the BG Server.
    C:\>pdm_kill 8684
    Killing pid( 8684)
    Process id 8684 terminated

    The above restarts the catalog sync daemon.

    4. Run the cmd on console:
    pdm_logstat -f itsm.spl TRACE
    pdm_log4j_config -f SDM_WEB -l DEBUG -a -s 30MB
    Note: Wait a minute for it to be effective.
    Obtain the NX_ROOT/log zipped from all the needed boxes.

    5. C:\Program Files\CA\Service Catalog\view\conf\log4j.xml.
    Backup this file and modify logger names below to the values below.
    Wait a minute for it to be effective.

    <logger name="">
    <level value="TRACE" />

    <logger name="">
    <level value="ALL" />
    <appender-ref ref="memory" />

    <logger name="">
    <level value="DEBUG" />
    <logger name="">
    <level value="DEBUG" />

    6. Obtain USM_HOME\logs\view.log

    Kind regards, Louis van Amelsfort.

  • 3.  Re: How-to configure CA Service Catalog to Open Request/Incidents on CA Service Desk Manager?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 23, 2018 04:28 AM

    Good Morning Jorge.

    To further exploit the integration of SC and SDM and PAM, please check the below information.
    Where I do understand it is a lot to cope and check for.

    Some browser pages with starting page:
    Followed by Step1-5 pages:

    And some additional pages:

    A: Install SDM into PAM 'Modules' from "SDM_CMDB connector.iso" file.

    B: To be checked(and set) in Service Desk Manager(SDM):
    >contacts with email address and email method (spadmin,pamadmin and servicedesk)
    with email address and email method
    with members spadmin,pamadmin and servicedesk

    -Admin/Options Manager/chg order mgr>category_defaults=yes/installed
    -Admin/Options Manager/email>settings
    -Service Desk/Change Orders/categories
    >SLCMHWFFI and SLCMSWFFI detail:
    +Symbol AND SelfService Symbol WITHOUT the . between SLCM and HWFFI/SWFFI
    +2.workflow=pam process>HWSW_FilledFromInventory (path=/CA SDM/)

    C: To be checked(and set) in Service Catalog(SC):
    -EventRuleAction(ERA)>category without . in it
    -Home>Requests>Request/Subscription Item Change
    Open 'When Category is Hardware and Status is Filled From Inventory'
    and then copy 'Launch HWSWFilledFromInv_SDM SRF' Into
    >'A Copy - Launch HWSWFilledFromInv_SDM SRF'
    And edit the copy for SDM_Category=SLCMHWFFI
    -Disable the original and enable the copy both the rule and the action

    D: To be checked(and set) in Process Automation(PAM):
    -SDM/CMDB connector.iso (PAM/Configuration/Modules)
    -Library>sdm global dataset
    -Library>slcm global dataset
    -Config>sdm module and email module (lock and unlock)

    There could be a configuration missing on your environment.
    Please, review the following link in order to have the details of the configuration needed in order to make this feature work:

  • 4.  Re: How-to configure CA Service Catalog to Open Request/Incidents on CA Service Desk Manager?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Aug 23, 2018 04:29 AM

    Good Morning Jorge.

    And I then also have the following related information for you on this:

    Summary of steps:
    A: First, we need to create the policy through SDM and copy it into the correct folders.
    Use the default Policy code as it is set in the Catalog(SC) UI at
    Service Catalog > Administration > Configuration > CA Service Desk, The property named 'Keystore name':
    - Use the correct keystore name and a .P12 file with same name should be present in USMHOME
    - e.g. CASM_POLICY.p12
    The property named 'Policy Code':
    - which is 'CASM_POLICY'. You may wish to use these to simplify.

    B: Then Copy the .p12 file into the correct folders
    C: Lastly, set the SC-properties accordingly.
    Detailed steps:

    Ad A: To create the policy in SDM with the name as set in SC.
    1. Go to the Service Desk UI and login as administator:
    2. Go to Administration > SOAP Web Service Policy > Policies
    3. When not extsting, click 'Create New' button and set the properties:
    - Symbol and Code to CASM_POLICY, (again, taken from the SC/admin/config/SDM setting)
    - Status to Active,
    - Proxy Contact to "Administrator, Service Delivery" (which userid is spadmin)
    or "System_CASM_Admin" (which userid is CASMAdmin)
    or any other Service Catalog spadministrator user
    - Allow Impersonate to Yes
    - Other settings can be left at default.

    4. Click 'Save'. Click 'Close Window'.
    5. Go to Administration > SOAP Web Service Policy > Policies > Search to verify
    While creating the webservice policy from service desk administration, the "Has key" field is set by default to "No" and is read only.
    It is not possible to edit it.
    The setting should/will get set to Yes automatically, after you create(d) the policy file itself in the next step.
    You can open the policy in SDM to verify this after you created the .p12 file.

    6. Next, we need a certfile to be created for that policy.
    6a. On the Service Desk machine, 'cd' into %NX_ROOT%\bin and run:
    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Service Desk Manager\bin
    pdm_pki -p CASM_POLICY -f
    (replacing the code name with the custom one if you decided to use one).
    6b. This will create CASM_POLICY.p12 (or equivalent for a custom policy) in that directory or the %NX_ROOT% folder.
    6c. To verify the file exists: run a dir CASM* which then should show: CASM_POLICY.p12

    Ad B: Then Copy the .p12 file into the correct folders
    1. You then need to copy it to your Service Catalog machine's %USM_HOME% location/folder.
    2. And also to the SDM's %NX_ROOT% folder.

    Ad C: In SC-UI, configuration:
    1. Then, back in the Catalog UI logged-in as 'spadmin' user:
    2. Goto Administration > Configuration > CA Service Desk
    - Set Enable PKI to 'Yes'
    - Ensure that the Keystore Name is set to CASM_POLICY.p12 (case sensitive)
    - Ensure that the Policy Code is set to CASM_POLICY (case sensitive)
    - Ensure that the Port Number is set to the SDM-port number
    - Ensure that the Host Name is set as the 'single' hostname of the SDM-server

    The 'Test' should then successfully use the certfile to connect to Service Desk.

    Thanks and kind regards, Louis.

  • 5.  Re: How-to configure CA Service Catalog to Open Request/Incidents on CA Service Desk Manager?

    Posted Aug 24, 2018 09:08 AM

    Hi Louis,


    It is perfect. Tks for help!