Rally Software

  • 1.  HTML query - new defects always go to top of ranking

    Posted Dec 27, 2018 12:43 PM

    Hi all,


    Not sure if there is a way around this challenge I am facing. I have the following html app that shows a ranked list of defects in my project. This works fine and the defects can be re-ordered as needed.


    The problem I face is that whenever anyone creates a new defect in my project, it automatically gets ranked # 1 and thus shows at the top of this html view. Is there anything I can add to this html script that would make any new defects get ranked at the bottom of the ranked list instead?


    Thanks in advance for any pointers.





    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>My Ranked List - Defects Ranked</title>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/apps/2.0/sdk.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    Rally.onReady(function() {
    Ext.define('Rally.example.PolicyServer', {
    extend: 'Rally.app.App',
    componentCls: 'app',

    launch: function() {
    type: 'Defect',
    pageSize: 200,
    success: function(model) {

    var filter = Ext.create('Rally.data.QueryFilter', {
    property: 'State',
    operator: '!=',
    value: 'Closed'

    filter = filter.and({
    property: 'SalesforceCaseNumber',
    operator: '!=',
    value: 'null'


    this.grid = this.add({
    xtype: 'rallygrid',
    model: model,
    columnCfgs: [
    context: this.getContext(),
    enableRanking: true,
    defaultSortToRank: true,
    storeConfig: {
    filters : [filter]
    scope: this

  • 2.  Re: HTML query - new defects always go to top of ranking
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jan 03, 2019 04:38 PM

    Hi Tommy,


    It looks like you're using the defaultSortToRank flag which means your app will honor whatever rank was applied to the new work item in the same way that any of our other apps or views would.  


    The logistics behind how items are ranked can be a bit involved, but we have a very sophisticated ranking scheme that ranks work items relative to each other.  So if someone created a new work item and then immediately ranked that work item very high, it could be reflected above all other work items on your app.


    In my experience, however, new work items are ranked at the bottom.  If I go into a work views page and create a new defect, it is always at the bottom of the stack.


    Are you seeing a different behavior when you create work items?