AppWorx, Dollar Universe and Sysload Community

  • 1.  Update Execution Record

    Posted Jan 17, 2019 04:24 PM

    I really hope someone here can help me. I'm running version 6.3.21 on a Windows 2012 R2 server. I'm trying to automate some processes and the last thing I need to do is to use the CLI to update Execution Records Job Runs Status from Aborted to Completed. I can't believe there's not a way to do this. So far, Tech Support has been unable to provide a resolution. I do not have the option to purge or resubmit. Due to the way the Tasks are configured, I must update the Status. Here's what I have to work with:


    I run this command to create a text file listing every job with the Status set to Aborted. This gives me everything, including JOB, PROCNO & NSEQ

    C:\<Install_Folder>\bin\uxlst CTL EXP FULL STATUS=A OUTPUT=E:\Dollar_Universe\scripts\logs\LstAbort.txt


    I pick a line from this output file and run this. Note, I have no idea what the definition of an EVT is. I was told by Tech Support to try this.

    C:\<Install_Folder\bin\uxupd EVT EXP UPR=<My_UProc> MU=<My_MU> NUPR=<PROCNO> STATUS=A NSTAT=T


    I get this response and the Status of the Job is not updated

    Command : uxupd evt exp upr=<My_UProc> mu=<My_MU> status=A nstat=T vupr=000 ses=* since=(00/00/0000,0000) before=(99/99/9999,9999)

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