Symantec Access Management

  • 1.  Tech Tip : CA Single Sign-On : Policy Server : CPU Spike : CleanServerCmds Error

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 21, 2019 02:58 AM


    We're running a Policy Server and we observe it is consuming high
    CPU. I had to restart the service in order to solve the CPU spike.

    From the Policy Server logs I noticed the following line :


    [5279/46][Wed Jan 06 2010 08:44:04][SmPolicyServer.cpp:1095][ERROR]
    Exception in JournalThread. Text: Policy store failed operation
    'CleanServerCmds' for object type 'Policy store provider'. LDAP
    Error Doing ServerCommand_Search: 85: Timed out


    How can I solve this?



    The problem you face is that the Policy Server reaches timeout by
    searching object in class:




    because there are too much of such objects.


    Running that command will give you the amount of stored objects:


    ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> -h <policystorehost> -p <port> \
    -b ou=PolicySvr4,ou=siteminder,ou=netegrity,o=netegrity \
    objectclass=smservercommand4 | grep dn: | wc -l


    Then, running that command will give you the list of all of the DNs of
    every Management Command object:


    ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> -h <host> -p <port> \
    -b ou=PolicySvr4,ou=siteminder,ou=netegrity,o=netegrity \
    objectclass=smservercommand4 smServerCommandOID4 \
    | awk '/^smServerCommandOID4/ { print \
    "smServerCommandOID4="$2",ou=PolicySvr4,ou=siteminder,ou=netegrity,o=netegrity" }'


    Then, you will need to delete these with the following procedure:


    - Stop all of the Policy Servers except one;

    - Execute the delete command (on unix, by piping the above list
    command into "ldapdelete"; on windows, capture the list of DN's into
    a text file first);

    - Restart the one Policy Server;
    - Start all the remaining Policy Servers;


    KB : KB000052760

  • 2.  Re: Tech Tip : CA Single Sign-On : Policy Server : CPU Spike : CleanServerCmds Error

    Posted May 21, 2019 11:07 AM

    What is the official way to prevent the build-up so policy servers in a production environment don't have to be brought down?

  • 3.  Re: Tech Tip : CA Single Sign-On : Policy Server : CPU Spike : CleanServerCmds Error

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 22, 2019 02:28 AM

    Hi Alejandro,


    What do you mean by "What is the official way to prevent the build-up" ?


    Best Regards,
