Re:Re: Deadlocks on a specific pages

  • 1.  Re:Re: Deadlocks on a specific pages

    Posted Dec 12, 2008 03:25 AM
    If the deadlock is on a page, have you spawned multiple transactions off
    of the initial transaction and each of these spawned transaction is
    trying to store a new via record against the same owning calc record?
    (That's what's happening to us.) If so, there's not much you can do
    about it besides having the transaction wait a period of time and retry.

    Also, look at the programs involved in the deadlock. Any pattern there?

    I use the following macro snip (From KEX - a REXX look alike for the PC)
    to determine what's causing the deadlocks. (This is part of a larger
    macro I use to parse PRINTLOG output to see what's going on.)

    The format is C (for change) / (string marker) source string / (string
    marker) change to string / (string marker) * * (all occurrences on all

    C/R:LTXNLOCK 00000008/R:LTXNLOCK page group = 0 xx=00=db-key =/* *
    C/R:LTXNLOCK 00010008/R:LTXNLOCK page group = 1 xx=00=db-key =/* *
    C/LTXNLOCK 00002008/LTXNLOCK page group = 0 xx=20=page number (space
    mgmt lock) =/* *
    C/LTXNLOCK 00000108/LTXNLOCK page group = 0 xx=01=page number (PAGE
    lock) =/* *
    C/LTXNLOCK 00008008/LTXNLOCK page group = 0 xx=80=page number (AREA
    lock) =/* *
    C/LTXNLOCK 00012008/LTXNLOCK page group = 1 xx=20=page number (space
    mgmt lock) =/* *
    C/LTXNLOCK 00010108/LTXNLOCK page group = 1 xx=01=page number (PAGE
    lock) =/* *
    C/LTXNLOCK 00018008/LTXNLOCK page group = 1 xx=80=page number (AREA
    lock) =/* *

    Hope it helps,


    Richard Pierce
    (617) 973-8911