UK CA PPM User Group 1

  • 1.  read/ write project obs

    Posted Feb 29, 2012 07:20 AM
    Hi, I'm on 12.1. I'm endeavouring to achieve two things but am now totally confused at the initial stage
    1. I've used the standard obs_read. xml to pull out all data relating to a project_obs which has provided me with all existing level depths 1-5, plus object association (object project) which is ok as I need to see which project id's are associated with a relevant OBS path. The initial problem is I only want to retrieve levels 1-3 plus project id's. This is what I'm using but it is not achieving what I'd hope.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd">
    <Header version="7.5.1" action="read" objectType="obs" externalSource="NIKU"/>
    <obs code="dh_prj_obs1" description="OBS for Project" isSecurity="true" name="dh Project OBS">
    <level depth="1" name="Corporate" />
    <level depth="2" name="Business Unit" />
    <level depth="3" name="Sector" />
    <objectAssociation associationType="Any Unit" object="project" />

    The second issue is that once I have this data then I need to change the level 2 and 3 from an existing value to a new one but that I am happier with taht once I can see what the data looks like. Any suggestions on what I'm missing/ should include to the above xml to obtain some more specific data.

    Thanks in advance