
  • 1.  CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Access Right Permission Codes

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Nov 13, 2012 06:10 PM
    The Clarity Administration > License Information Portlet titled 'Rights by License Type' (ID=rightsbylicensetype) shows a list of access rights by name and code, however it does not provide the 'permission code' associated with the access right. Sometimes you need to know the 'permission code' when looking at queries from reports and portlets and you want to know what access rights are associated with the specific 'permission code' to ensure the end-user has the appropriate access rights.

    One example of this was when I had to locate all the possible access rights associated with the 'CostPlanView' permission code.
    I developed the following queries that can be used as a compliment to the License Information Portlets.

    /* all access rights, including automatic rights */

    SELECT r.right_id
    , g.group_name right_name
    , g.group_code right_code
    , r.permission_code
    , g.description right_description
    , g.lic_right_type
    , g.is_automatic
    , g.language_code
    FROM cmn_sec_groups_v g
    , cmn_sec_right r
    g.ID = r.right_id
    AND g.right_type IS NOT NULL
    AND g.is_active = 1
    AND g.language_code = 'en'
    ORDER BY permission_code, right_name

    /* without automatic rights */

    SELECT r.right_id
    , g.group_name right_name
    , g.group_code right_code
    , r.permission_code
    , g.description right_description
    , g.lic_right_type
    , g.is_automatic
    , g.language_code
    FROM cmn_sec_groups_v g
    , cmn_sec_right r
    g.ID = r.right_id
    AND (g.is_automatic != 1 OR g.is_automatic IS NULL)
    AND g.right_type IS NOT NULL
    AND g.is_active = 1
    AND g.language_code = 'en'
    ORDER BY permission_code, right_name

  • 2.  RE: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Access Right Permission Codes

    Posted Nov 14, 2012 02:28 PM
    Thanks for the great tip Kathryn!

  • 3.  Re: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Access Right Permission Codes

    Posted Apr 03, 2015 09:18 AM

    Kathyrn - thanks for feedbacks.  We also have had to rely heavily on custom queries to piece all this together as the Admin License portlets are more geared towards governing and monitoring licenses than reporting on end user capabilities.  And none of them can be exported to excel or such? 


    Business Challenge:  The end users of our organisation are still inquirying why an enterprise system with three/four levels of security access (auto, instance, obs, global) doesn't provide a standard out of box report or end user portlet for viewing access rights.  In our case, we extensively use OBS and Supervisors would like to be able to run report or porlets by Resource OBS node and get a listing of all resources in the node and all their corresponding access rights.   i will lobby for enhancement, but would like feedback on whether v14.2 jaspersoft capabilities will make this objective easier.

  • 4.  Re: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Access Right Permission Codes

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Apr 03, 2015 11:29 AM

    Hi nosreme.

    Queries can be translated into a NSQL Query and then put into a Portlet.

    Portlets can have data exported into Excel.

    I hope this helps.

  • 5.  Re: CA Clarity Tuesday Tip: Access Right Permission Codes

    Posted Apr 03, 2015 11:49 AM

    Agreed.  Much thanks for sharing.  I just wished that this was standardized oob directly as all implementations that i've encountered over last 10+ years have similiar needs on overall governance and auditing of access rights.  Idea perhaps.